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For Reid, Boxing an “Official Duty”

Over the weekend it was revealed that Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) attended a boxing match after receiving free tickets valued at several thousand dollars from the Nevada Athletic Commission. Problem is, the agency was lobbying Reid at the time to drop support for the creation of a federal boxing commission.

Reid answered the allegations of ethics improprieties today with this totally ridiculous statement:

Reid says it’s his official duty to attend boxing matches in Nevada and that he did nothing wrong when he accepted complimentary ringside seats from a state agency that was lobbying him.

Reid says he would have been criticized for not going to the fight because he has an obligation to make sure the sport kept clean.

And Congressman Jefferson was stress-testing our currency to make sure it could stand up to cold temperatures, right Harry?

Uh, Senator, isn’t “keeping the sport clean” the commissioners job? Have you lost confidence in the agency? If so, why haven’t you called for the resignation of its key leadership?

You haven’t, because you won’t, because your excuse is completely bogus.

So, what’s this about a culture of corruption?

MORE: Puhleeze.

Excessive & Embarrassing

Wanna know how NOT to start your day? I flipped on the television this morning and caught roughly 5 minutes of the “Goodbye Katie Couric” Today Show telecast. That was all I could take. I just couldn’t stop the gag reflex and now some three hours later I’m still feeling queezy.

TVNewser has the coverage, if you can stomach it.

MORE: Now this is the kind of tribute I was looking for!

Newsflash: Heroin Kills

Just like guns don’t kill, people do…

Residents warned of lethal drug mix

Another person died from a probable drug overdose, Wayne County health officials reported Monday, bringing the toll to 48 people who have died since May 19.

Even though the number was dropping from the multiple deaths per day, health officials aren’t ready to say the deadly overdose spurt is tapering off.

Toxicology results won’t be available for several weeks, but health officials say they believe the deaths have been caused by a dangerous combination of heroin or cocaine and the painkiller fentanyl.


The fault always lies in the bad batch of drugs and never on the addict who choses to ingest the substance.

Lizzie: Not Dead Yet

Elizabeth Taylor, who hasn’t graced the silver screen since a bit part in 1994’s “The Flintstones”, appeared on Larry King tonight to proclaim once again that she hasn’t died yet.

That’s the kind of world we live in. An aging actress, famous more for her glamorous good looks than for her acting prowess, has to appear on television every 5 years or so just to prove that she’s still here, mostly so similarly aged viewers can somehow relive that “National Velvet” moment when they first saw her baby blues on the big screen.


Hoffa Stilla Gonna

The FBI hasn’t found any trace of Jimmy Hoffa, even after digging up a farm near Detroit. Many thought this latest expedition might be based on reliable information, thereby solving the disappearance of the former Teamster boss once and for all.

No dice. Nada.

So for now, Hoffa is still on the lam, most likely traveling with Elvis, the Area 51 aliens, and the killers of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. 

Are Democrats Getting It?

There have been a rush of “The Hillary Problem” stories from the MSM lately. The latest comes from New York Magazine and the Washington Post. It seems as though the DNC doubters are getting their fears published. That’s good. The liberal Hillary must be exposed.

The sooner Americans realize a Hillary presidency brings a return of Lanny Davis, Paul Begala, Albright, Cohen, Berger, Carville, Lewis, Ickes, Conason, Press, Sid Blumenthal, Rahm Emanuel, Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, Cheryl Mills, Gorelick, Quinn, ad nauseum, the better.

I, for one, can’t believe we’re ready to relive the 90’s. Nor do I believe the electorate will enthusiastically continue the streak of Bush I, Clinton, Clinton, Bush II, Bush II, Clinton.

Wait for 2012, Jeb.

Purpose Driven Christian Bashing

Jonathan Hutson employs the ‘six degrees of separation’ methodology on Rick Warren, Tim LaHaye, Tyndale Publishing House and “Dominionist Christians” everywhere just to make a single point.

He hates Christianity, prostheletizing Christians, and everything else found beneath that umbrella.

By the way, Jonathan. “Left Behind: Eternal Forces” doesn’t have a ‘prayer’ of success in the highly competitive world of computer gaming, so I don’t know why you’re getting all uppity about it. One look at the screenshots you posted tells me that this production, like most Christian themed games, will get laughed at by serious gamers. While that’s unfortunate, it’s a reality.

The real issue is stewardship. The financiers of Left Behind Games would likely find a more effective avenue for ministry if they were to put their millions of dollars into producing paper Bibles for Christians in China.

But, I digress…