It’s been 10 years since my last blog post. I started blogging here in 2004, 20 years ago. For around 8 of those years, this blog occupied my mind most every waking moment. It was fun too. There weren’t many political blogs on the scene back then, and many who were around are famous people in the media world today. Could I have been one of those? Who knows? My kids wish I would have stuck with it, since they’d like nothing more than their PunditGuy dad to have a Fox News show. They remind me what an idiot I am for not pursuing MSM fame. I’m better for it though. I did a lot, experienced a lot, and the blog was often quoted in the NY Times, SF Chronicle, on MSNBC (before it went completely wacko), on CNN, and in the Wall Street Journal.
I stopped in 2014 because I couldn’t keep up the pace. The blogosphere (is it still called that?) was filled to the brim with political punditry, and most of what I wrote about was simple echoing what was being talked about on a number of other sites. The cable news stations up’d their game on filling their 24/7 media channels with content too, and I thought I’d have to have FN, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NewsMax, and every other channel on the the background just to keep up on the breaking news. It was pointless. My day job was busier than ever. So, it was the right time to let the site flounder in the dust of the Internet.
But last week I thought about my time here at PunditGuy. I missed it. I enjoyed blasting my insignificant opinion out on the internet. Back then I did it for clicks and the impression counter. Today, I’m coming back for the catharsis. Writing and getting stuff out there is therapeutic, no matter if anyone reads it or not. So that’s why I’m back here. I’m as outraged as ever, and ready to vomit my opinion on these pages once again. If you do remember me, and find this blog once more, let me know in the comments.
Now…I will officially step up once more to the podium, and be the PunditGuy I once was.