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If All Else Fails, Pull The Race Card

Rep. Cynthia McKinney’s lawyer should be ashamed of himself.

James W. Myart Jr., said, “Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, like thousands of average Americans across this country, is, too, a victim of the excessive use of force by law enforcement officials because of how she looks and the color of her skin.”

“Ms. McKinney is just a victim of being in Congress while black,” Myart said. “Congresswoman McKinney will be exonerated.”

Is McKinney related to the late Johnnie Cochran? This is such a typical response today. Don’t ever admit wrong doing, just blame someone else and be a victim. It makes me sick.

Do the right thing Cindy. Admit you were wrong and move on.

A Few Questions

Howie Kurtz wonder’s a little about Jill Carroll.

Why make a terrorist group who put her family and friends through a terrible three-month ordeal sound like they were running a low-budget motel chain?

It is a bit strange.

The Power of Manipulated Prayer

I threw my head back and laughed hysterically at the absurdity of this story. Talk about a pathetic waste of time, money and energy. As I was thinking of all the ways I could illustrate just how silly it is to attempt to humanize prayer (it is a God thing after all, not a Science thing) I came across Scott Ott’s take on the matter. He nailed it.

A Dramatic Pause

It’s my wedding anniversary today (15 years), so I’m gonna let the blog sleep while I spend time with the wife.

Until (sometime) tomorrow.

Imminent Attack?

A member of al-Qaeda and former bodyguard for Osama bin Laden claims that planning for a new attack on American soil is well underway. In the interview, to be broadcast on CBS’ 60 Minutes, Abu Jandal sends a message – What Osama Says, Osama Does.

Jandal, who was with bin Laden in Afghanistan from 1996 to 2000, says bin Laden’s last tape on which he threatened consequences to the U.S. is not a threat, but a promise. “When Sheik Osama promises something, he does it.So I believe Osama bin Laden is planning a new attack inside the United States, this is certain,” he tells Bob Simon in the interview conducted in Yemen earlier this month.

But of course, the Democrats are going to capture or otherwise eliminate bin Laden before then, right?


Among the other interesting tidbits:

— bin Laden is in Afghanistan, not Pakistan
— Bodyguards have permission to kill him rather than let him be captured
— A special gun has been set aside to take care of the job
— The U.S. almost got Osama in 1998

The interview is scheduled to air this weekend.

The Taste of Freedom


That was then.


This is now.

I’m a little late to the party on this one, and it’s likely you already know, but American Hostage Jill Carroll was freed by her captors today. That’s definitely a good thing, especially since the outlook on her survival after 3 months was very much up in the air. The next pictures we see will be Jill reuniting with her family.