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A member of al-Qaeda and former bodyguard for Osama bin Laden claims that planning for a new attack on American soil is well underway. In the interview, to be broadcast on CBS’ 60 Minutes, Abu Jandal sends a message – What Osama Says, Osama Does.

Jandal, who was with bin Laden in Afghanistan from 1996 to 2000, says bin Laden’s last tape on which he threatened consequences to the U.S. is not a threat, but a promise. “When Sheik Osama promises something, he does it.So I believe Osama bin Laden is planning a new attack inside the United States, this is certain,” he tells Bob Simon in the interview conducted in Yemen earlier this month.

But of course, the Democrats are going to capture or otherwise eliminate bin Laden before then, right?


Among the other interesting tidbits:

— bin Laden is in Afghanistan, not Pakistan
— Bodyguards have permission to kill him rather than let him be captured
— A special gun has been set aside to take care of the job
— The U.S. almost got Osama in 1998

The interview is scheduled to air this weekend.