by PunditGuy | Jan 31, 2005 | General |
Hillary collapsed today during a speech. OK, maybe colapse is a strong word. Rumor has it she swayed a bit, after getting a drink of water or something, then just stopped and left. Hopefully, someone was rolling video…
In the meantime, here’s video of Clinton leaving the site of the speech "post-collapse".
by PunditGuy | Jan 30, 2005 | General |
One week down. I’m still in London on business, so blogging will be sporadic for yet another week. A few observations though…
– The traffic at Abbey Road on Saturday’s is a bit too heavy to get the perfect "Beatles" walk picture.
– If you’re into public debating, head to Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park. Today though, there was a little too much "America is Evil" talk going around.
– The Original London Tour is worth it, even from inside the doubledecker bus. The weather in January is not really kind to the upper deck, which is without a roof.
– The British Museum has a great exhibit going right now.
– If you’re from the US, it’s incredibly expensive to visit the UK.
by PunditGuy | Jan 30, 2005 | General |
"No one in the United States should try to overhype this election. This election is a sort of demarcation point, and what really counts now is the effort to have a legitimate political reconciliation, and it’s going to take a massive diplomatic effort and a much more significant outreach to the international community than this administration has been willing to engage in. Absent that, we will not be successful in Iraq."
– John Kerry, on NBC’s Meet The Press, January 30, 2005
by PunditGuy | Jan 30, 2005 | General |
by PunditGuy | Jan 30, 2005 | General |
Iraqis walking to the polls.
by PunditGuy | Jan 30, 2005 | General |
Early Iraqi election poll numbers suggest that over 8 million eligible voters successfully cast their ballot. Husbands bring wives along with their children to celebrate the historical day. Sky News in Britain reports that at one precinct, a pregnant woman gave birth to her baby.
– A party atmosphere in Bagdad.
by PunditGuy | Jan 29, 2005 | General |
For the latest news and observations relating to this weekends election in Iraq, you’re encouraged to visit Friends of Democracy, a blog setup especially for this history making event.
by PunditGuy | Jan 29, 2005 | General |
"Dobson sets the record straight", is the title of an email message from Dr. James Dobson sent to supporters of Focus on the Family. The text follows…
By now you’ve undoubtedly heard about the controversy surrounding statements I made recently in which I reportedly accused a cartoon character named SpongeBob SquarePants of being "gay." Although I never made any such comment, the media has repeated the story incessantly, to the point that the truth of the matter has been completely obscured.
Here’s what actually happened. In an address to congressional leaders last month, I briefly took the time to express my concern over a video that is being distributed to elementary schools featuring not only SpongeBob, but more than 100 additional children’s characters including the Muppets, Barney the Dinosaur, Bob the Builder, and Winnie the Pooh. The video itself is relatively harmless and is devoid of any sexual content. However, it is being incorporated into a larger campaign, created by an organization called the We Are Family Foundation, to teach "tolerance" to young children. Unfortunately, rather than simply encouraging tolerance of those who come from different cultural, religious, or socio-economic backgrounds – which we believe is a worthy objective – the curriculum also contains material designed to encourage young children to celebrate homosexual behavior.
To complicate the issue further, soon after this story broke, the pro-homosexual resources to which we took offense were suddenly removed from the We Are Family Foundation’s Web site. However, despite the suspicious disappearance of this material and the public denials on the part of the foundation that it was promoting homosexuality, we have extensive and detailed documentation showing that my original statements are still valid. It should be obvious that my concern lies not with SpongeBob or Big Bird or any of the other characters in the video, but with the way the We Are Family Foundation is hijacking those childhood symbols to blatantly promote the teaching of homosexuality to children in elementary school.
Now, more than ever, we must be vigilant in staying abreast of what our little ones are being taught in the classroom.
Unfortunately, I don’t think this will be the final word on the controversy.
by PunditGuy | Jan 28, 2005 | General |
Nope, not a stinkin thing. That’s right, I got nothing today. There’s just a serious lack of anything interesting to talk about as far as I’m concerned. So, that’s it then.
Until tomorrow.
by PunditGuy | Jan 27, 2005 | General |
Iraqi voters cast ballots in Australia.