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Guess it’s Too Late to Ask for an Extension

Via MSNBC: Entrepreneur accused of biggest-ever tax scam.

The Justice Department on Monday filed its biggest personal tax evasion case ever, accusing the man who once tried to rescue Russia’s Mir space station, Walter Anderson, of failing to pay more than $200 million in personal income taxes by stashing income in offshore bank accounts.

Anderson, 51, earned millions by dealing in telecommunications companies after the AT&T breakup and became a global figure about five years ago when he embarked on a mission to rescue the ailing Mir space station.

If convicted on all the charges, he could face up to 80 years in prison. This case is part of a recent push by federal prosecutors to crack down on use of offshore accounts to evade U.S. taxes.

The Justice Department’s next target could be none other than ketchup magnate and “almost was First Lady” Teresa Heinz Kerr…

And at that moment, I awoke from the dream.

Republicans: Dean Should Step Down

Republicans are calling for DNC Chairman Howard Dean to step down after he made insensitive remarks during a recent speech. So what right? How many times has a news story started this way? Too many times to count. There is one important difference this time though. The insensitive remarks were made during a meeting of the DNC Black Caucus, and the Republicans are African Americans from Mississippi.

Mississippi Republican Executive committee Member Charles Evers said Dean should apologize and step down. He told reporters Monday that in a February 11th speech to the DNC Black Caucus, Dean said quote “You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room?” Then added, “Only if they had hotel staff in here.”

If a Republican had made the remark instead of a Democrat, the news coverage would be wall-to-wall. By now Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Kweisi Mfume, and Louis Farrakhan would have logged their 60th hour (each) on the major networks, Nightline would have broadcast a special report and a town hall meeting, and Representatives Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters would have already called for hearings of impeachment for the president. Perhaps worst of all, folks like Chuck Hagel, Arlen Specter, and Olympia Snowe would have come out publicly calling for immediate resignation.

But no…there won’t be any mention of this by tomorrow. It’s called a double standard, and most of the time, the Democrats are allowed all the room they need.

Oh the irony.

Miss HIV

Via Reuters:

At a palm tree-studded resort and conference center in the capital Gaborone, 12 girls are competing this weekend for the title “Miss HIV Stigma Free.”

“We are saying here we are, we are HIV positive and it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the line,” 33 year old reigning Miss HIV Kgalalelo Ntsepe told Reuters in her cluttered one room cottage, where she displays trophies of her win in 2003.

So what’s next? Miss Leukemia? Miss Congenital Heart Disease? I understand the intentions here – especially in Africa, where HIV is ravaging the nation. But really, wouldn’t they do better to spend the money in ways that help the most people? Maybe the pageant is good for the participants and their families, but what about the majority of HIV infected people who are suffering without access to treatment of any kind? What about the people who don’t even know about the event because they don’t have television, can’t read a newspaper or even listen to radio? Often times, it seems like government programs and well intentioned organizations help a few people, but end up harming more.

This graphic tells the story.

Without real action now, the next ten years will bring to Africa a catastrophe three times the size of the Holocaust, resulting in the possible quarantine of an entire nation. In 2015, will anyone remember who Miss HIV 2005 was? It’s unlikely.


Via the UK Sun – Saddam Hussein will be forced to sit in a Hannibal Lecter-style cage during his trial.

“Saddam will be housed in an underground cell and will travel to and from the courtroom cage using an elevator.

When he’s in his cell he will be under 24-hour surveillance by security staff who will watch him from behind a toughened glass shield.”

I can see the protesters now. Free Saddam!! Open the cage!! While I’m sure there will be those that have pity on Saddam-in-the-box, I have to believe that this is more about HIS protection than anything else, and that’s what angers me the most. Millions of dollars are being spent to house, feed, and provide safety to this guy, and for what? Don’t misunderstand me, I’m a rule of law kind of guy and I believe in the court system…IN AMERICA. Outside of our borders, WHAT DO I CARE? Especially for monster dictators like Saddam. Early on I was hoping that a few gutsy Iraqis would catch him before US soldiers did. And frankly, the outcome would have been the same as what is likely to happen after he’s found guilty – he’ll be put to death! One way costs nothing, the other way…well, its costs are already too high to calculate.

Saddam’s victims were given no protection whatsoever. He should receive equal treatment. Ditch the cage and hold the trial out in the open on street in Baghdad. Take the money that would have been spent and put it back into the rebuilding effort. The benefit will outlast any satisfaction an Iraqi might gain in watching this Hollywood production. 

Whacked Out Freaks – Part Two

As if this touching episode wasn’t enough, now the Thompson family has put out a request for anyone who owns a cannon. No, I didn’t spell that wrong. We’re talking a real cannon, the type that shoots cannon balls (ala Pirates of the Caribbean). Since you obviously can’t head down the local Walmart to find such things, the family has solicited the media to not only find a cannon but help them find the perfect owner of a cannon. It’s so important apparently, that they have put out the following requirement: Anyone interested needs to submit a 100-word essay and mail it to the Aspen Daily News. They’ll forward the submissions to the Thompson family.

“The winner of the content will have to bring the cannon to Aspen at his or her own expense and possibly on short notice.”


OK, once more with feeling…


It’s A Good Thing

I really don’t like to admit this, but it’s been hard for me to keep up with the daily news coming from Iraq, not to mention Afghanistan. Now that the drama of the Iraqi election is pretty much over, there just hasn’t been a lot of breaking news to catch my attention. Yes, I do realize that there are tens of thousands of families with loved ones serving over there who live each day awaiting news from the area. That’s why I’m grateful for blog sites like this that provide a real service for people. It’s a lot of work pulling together this kind of information, and for that I say, “Thanks Arthur.”

And The Winner Is…

Oscar Night Award Winners:

UPDATE: Cheese and Crackers with ALL the video from this evenings telecast.

Breaking News!!!


Security Break at Oscar Telecast!

A naked 33-year-old man named Robert Opal streaked briefly into view, flashing a peace sign, as NBC cameras cut away to avoid a full frontal assault on viewers of the Academy Awards* ceremony, broadcast worldwide.

The Los Angeles sex shop owner streaked all the way from one side of the stage to the other just before the best picture award was announced. Opal was clearly viewable behind actor David Niven, who was on stage and ready to introduce Elizabeth Taylor.

“Isn’t it fascinating,” remarked host David Niven, as the naked man disappeared into the wings after streaking across the stage, “to think that probably the only laugh that man will ever get in his life is by stripping off his clothes and showing his shortcomings?”

Some were convinced that the security break was staged. Cynics found Niven’s line too good not to be scripted, and they gained additional ammunition when instead of pressing charges, the Academy put some clothes on the streaker and brought him into the press area.

Producer Jack Haley Jr. denied the interruption was planned.
