Actor Richard Dreyfuss of “Jaws” fame, calls for the impeachment of George W. Bush (video) and characterizes the uphill battle as a “Cause worth fighting for”. Big deal, right? Heard this before, right? Yes, it’s true – liberals calling for the impeachment of the president isn’t news. So why do I give mention to this instance of the same ‘ol song and dance? I do because Dreyfuss’ call for removal includes a few tidbits of interest.
Dreyfuss said impeachment “is a statement that we refuse to endorse bad behavior.”
“If we refuse to debate the appropriateness of the process of impeachment, we endorse that behavior, and we approve the enlargement of executive power,” regardless of whoever may occupy the White House in the future, he said.
“And don’t kid yourselves: No one ever gives up power, ever,” Dreyfuss added.
I’d like to direct your attention to exhibit ‘A’ – Bill Clinton.
“Now, it is not your job as the press to impeach George Bush,” the actor stated. However, people in the media should “maintain the integrity of that debate” by not dismissing the topic out of hand as partisan or unpatriotic.
But Richard, that would mean that the press would have to insert political bias into their reporting!
During his address on the subject of Hollywood’s view of contemporary news media, Dreyfuss said he is not a cynic or a liberal, but is instead a “‘libo-conservo-middle-of-the-roado,’ and I have been for many years.”
Don’t kid yourself, Richard. We know who you are.
Dreyfuss blamed part of that reaction on television newscasters, who “fill the air with the same terrible clips, the same blaring intro music, the same screaming fonts, and then the same clips again and the same screaming fonts again and again to fill up these news cycles.”
“Television did this. Television created the sound bite and then shrunk it,” the actor said. “Television replaced words with images so that people make extraordinary decisions based not on prose or any attempt at analysis,” but on pictures instead.
Yes, yes…if only there were more real journalists left in the world, like Dan Rather, Keith Olbermann, and Bill Moyer. Their news analysis is unimpeachable.
To restore true American values, the actor called for children to be taught “the tools of debate and dissent,” as well as a return to the principle of civility, which he called “the oxygen that democracies require else they become poisoned and die, as this democracy will.”
Democracy is not dying Mr. Dreyfuss. Democracy is winning. Democrats and liberals are losing. Their stranglehold on the media and governmental power are dying and they can’t stand it. The truth of being wrong, so consistently wrong for so long, is killing liberals and killing the Democratic party.
Democracy is not dying Mr. Dreyfuss. Democracy is winning. Democrats and liberals are losing. Their stranglehold on the media and governmental power are dying and they can’t stand it. The truth of being wrong, so consistently wrong for so long, is killing liberals and killing the Democratic party.
Excellent point, I’m not sure they know the difference!