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The 78–year old man who was accidently shot by Vice President Dick Cheney spoke to the media today as he was released from the hospital. (Video)

The hunter shot by Dick Cheney said Friday that “accidents do and will happen” and said he is sorry for all the hullabaloo and scrutiny the incident has brought upon the vice president and his family.

“This past weekend encompassed all of us in a cloud of misfortune and a sadness that is not easy to explain, especially to those who are not familiar with the great sport of quail hunting,” said Austin attorney Harry Whittington. “We all assume certain risks in whatever we do … accidents do and will happen and that’s what happened.”

He added: “My family and I are deeply sorry for all Vice President Cheney and his family had to go through this week.”

Nothing but humility from Mr. Whittington. That’s class, pure and simple.