Over the next few days you’re likely to come across a video of an alleged ballistics analysis and test shootings which suggest that Vice President Dick Cheney was actually closer to Harry Whittington when accidently fired his gun. Taylor Marsh and her flock of moonbats are hyping this as the smoking gun (pardon the pun) that proves there is a massive coverup underway.
I have serious doubts about this, and so do quite a few other people.
And then I came across this comment over at Boing Boing:
This video is the from the source that had the report claiming “RFID Tags in New US Notes Explode When You Try to Microwave Them.” That makes the ballistics report less credible, in my opinion.
In other words, YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary)
Dan Riehl has more.
Mr. Jones has a lot of insightful tidbits. Everyone should review some of his other brilliant assertions.
I’m still a fan of the Illuminati running the world.