Alec is from Moonbatius 4, found just outside our solar system–where there is next to no light and no heat to thaw the brick of ice his head is locked in.
on March 2, 2006 at 7:10 pm
george bush success????? you sure you know what your talking about… hope for democracy in iraq, at the cost of over 2,000 american lives, the guy has KILLED the economy and any hopes for our young to have a good life ahead of them, considering they will be paying back this massive debt (over three times higher than ever before in this country) the man lied to get us into iraq its totally obvious unless your a complete idiot you would have to know he lied to get us into a war with iraq, he has ties with oil companies, and were paying $ 2.40 for a gallon of gas… hmm.. lets be a little logical here, were being screwed by bush, anyone who thinks this guy is doing good deserves to die, im being totally serious with that statement, death to whoever supports him.
Alec is from Moonbatius 4, found just outside our solar system–where there is next to no light and no heat to thaw the brick of ice his head is locked in.
george bush success????? you sure you know what your talking about… hope for democracy in iraq, at the cost of over 2,000 american lives, the guy has KILLED the economy and any hopes for our young to have a good life ahead of them, considering they will be paying back this massive debt (over three times higher than ever before in this country) the man lied to get us into iraq its totally obvious unless your a complete idiot you would have to know he lied to get us into a war with iraq, he has ties with oil companies, and were paying $ 2.40 for a gallon of gas… hmm.. lets be a little logical here, were being screwed by bush, anyone who thinks this guy is doing good deserves to die, im being totally serious with that statement, death to whoever supports him.