by PunditGuy | Aug 24, 2014 | Technology |
So you bought your daughter an iPhone or an Android mobile device because, well hey, all the kids have them and it’s dangerous for kids to be outside the house without a way to communicate with you, right? What if there is an emergency? What if they’re in trouble and need your help?
What if they are sending nude pictures of themselves to other pre-teens?
A Dinwiddie mother got a nasty shock when she went through her daughter’s cell phone and tablet. The pictures she discovered were so disturbing that she turned the girl in to sheriff’s deputies.
The parents discovered their 13-year-old daughter, who is about to enter the eighth-grade, had been sending and receiving naked pictures of other teens using her tablet.
And the deeper they dug, the worse it got. In fact, things got so bad they called in the sheriff’s department to investigate.
“What scares me is, this is much bigger than we realize. How many others are doing this and you don’t realize it,” asked the Dinwiddie County mother of two.
Parents need to wake up. The $500 device you bought for your teen is most likely a conduit for pornography. It could be racy pictures sent by Snapchat and destroyed seconds later, sexting, solicitation, bullying or worse yet, full on child pornography. Don’t be naive. If you have teens with phones or tablets, it’s happening in your house.
Take charge and fix it. Put filters on your home internet. It’s easy and effective. Monitor the online activity of your child. Tell them the expensive device you gave them can be taken away as fast as they can delete a snapchat. Be informed. Look for ways to protect your kids. Go on — use Google and take action.
by PunditGuy | Aug 23, 2014 | Technology |
Have a Mac? Do this:
Press Command + Shift + G while in Finder to open the Go To Folder box, and then paste the following path:
In this folder you’ll see a file called Apple.txt. Open it. What’s inside? The full text of his famous commencement speech given at Stanford University in 2005. It’s in every Mac computer.
by PunditGuy | Aug 23, 2014 | Terrorism |

Wow, that didn’t take long at all.
MI5 and MI6 have identified the British fighter suspected of murdering the American journalist James Foley, senior government sources confirmed last night.
The masked man with a London accent, who is said to be known to fellow fighters as “Jihadi John”, was seen in the shocking video of Foley’s death released by the Isis extremist army last week.
While sources gave no details of the man they have identified, a key suspect is Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 23, who left his family’s £1m home in Maida Vale, west London, last year.
Now that we know what he looks like, it’ll be much easier to find him and kill him. Let’s hope the next news we hear about Mr. Bary is that he met a cruise missile up close and personal.
by PunditGuy | Aug 22, 2014 | Absurd |
As you may have heard, Montana U.S. Senate nominee John Walsh was forced to pull out of the race due to a plagiarism scandal. Democrats were forced to quickly find a replacement candidate. They found a gem.
Meet Amanda Curtis.
In 1:49 seconds, Ms. Curtis mocks gun owners, belittles Christians, minimizes the national debt and proclaims herself an anarchist.
This is today’s Democrat.
by PunditGuy | Aug 22, 2014 | General |
If a Republican said this, the Left would be going completely crazy right now, calling for a resignation, rallying protesters, boycotting anything that senator may have touched in the last 6 years.
Not so when a Liberal says these things. All they need to do is issue a simple “I misspoke” statement, and that’s it. Case closed. The fact that Harry Reid has a history of saying racist things doesn’t seem to matter either.
by PunditGuy | Aug 22, 2014 | Terrorism |
You’ve got to feel for this family. Their tragedy is so public, and I’m sure there are thousands of requests for them to do interviews like this. Let’s hope the interviews they do take focus on Jim’s life, and not the politics of his murder.
by PunditGuy | Aug 21, 2014 | General |

12:57 pm — expressing outrage over the brutal murder of reporter James Foley, and vowing to hunt down the members of ISIS that are responsible.
1:05 PM — FORE!
Bad optics, to say the least.
by PunditGuy | Aug 21, 2014 | Politics |
There seem to be two primary focuses on an individual that becomes President of the United States. One begins in the campaign, and that focus largely involves the historical decisions the candidate had made. Aside from the warm fuzzy peek into their family life, and the personal character endorsements from friends that have known the candidate for a lengthy period of time, most of the media, and then the voters, want to know what the candidate believes. These beliefs are evident in their voting record, examples of leadership, accomplishments, and more. If the candidate is fortunate enough to be elected to the highest office in the land, the focus shifts from the individuals history to “understanding” the reactions and decisions that individual makes in the present tense.
Think about what got Barrack Obama elected. Rhetorical flourish. Hope and Change. Lofty speeches that sounded so different from the 8 years of George W. Bush that they caught the low-information voter by surprise. People who didn’t care about politics, and were disillusioned by the Bush years, suddenly created a messianic caricature in Obama. To be sure, the media helped push this narrative. They pushed it so hard that the typical vetting process that occurs with most presidential candidates didn’t happen with Obama. The usual “turning over of rocks” to find the ugly in the candidate didn’t apply to him. As a result, the public didn’t really get to know the guy at the podium.
Fast forward to today. The public doesn’t see Obama as they did the candidate in 2008. Hope and Change is over. Obama disappoints his constituent again and again. And as hard as the media tries to keep positive stories in the press about the Obama administration, the man continues to flummox.
Rick Ungar of Forbes is the latest member of the mainstream media to be left puzzled by the actions of Barrack Obama.
As readers of this column know, I tend to favor the political and policy positions put forth by President Barack Obama and his administration.
That is not to say that, in the effort to provide an honest accounting of my opinions on the issues of the day, there have not been moments where I have found it necessary to criticize the White House when I disagree with their policies and strategies.
But that’s my job and I try to do the very best I can in doing that job.
However, never before have I felt the need to criticize our President for something that goes well beyond politics and policy—until today.
What I should be discussing this day are the President’s comments delivered yesterday regarding the heinous execution of American photojournalist James Foley; comments I found to be completely appropriate in that they conveyed strength, intelligence and a hint that we may have only just begun to deal with the scourge that is ISIL.
What I should also be writing about this day is the remarkable strength and grace we witnessed while watching the parents of James Foley who were nothing short of stunning and inspirational in their televised conversation with the press.
Instead, I find myself compelled to write about the President’s decision to keep his scheduled golf date with a couple of friends immediately following his televised comments—a decision that revealed a complete lack of class on Mr. Obama’s part.
In the same way the public was sold a bill of goods on Obama, the media began to believe their own reporting on the guy. They believed he was different. They were so disgusted with Bush that the promises put forth by Obama seemed like the liberal nirvana had finally arrived. Then, the Hope and Change candidate faded into the cold individual we see governing today.
However, one would like to think that every president, when attempting to take some time away from what is likely one of the busiest and most pressure packed work schedules on the planet, would always ask himself whether playing a round of golf is the best possible use of his time at the moment he prepares to tee off on the first hole.
Yesterday, playing golf was certainly not the best use of the President’s time.
I don’t say that because I believe that there was anything more to be accomplished at that moment by Mr. Obama removing himself to the situation room. I say that because, had it been me, I would have recognized that there was somewhere else I should be that would be a far better use of my time…at the side of Diane and John Foley, the parents of the tragically deceased James Foley.
When a reporter says “had it been me” in a paragraph in which he is contrasting his own character against the character of the guy he voted for, the guy he loves and wants to support, you know we’ve turned a corner. More and more, the mainstream media is sending a message to the Obama administration. They don’t like what they see, and they are having a hard time defending him.
I’m sorry, Mr. President, but your behavior yesterday was not about thumbing your nose at or simply ignoring those who refuse to acknowledge that you have a right to a vacation and to some time playing a game that relaxes you. It was also not about those who refuse to appreciate that you can do your job anywhere on the planet with the same effectiveness as sitting behind your desk at the White House.
It was, instead, about revealing a side of yourself that Americans, of all political stripes, cannot help but be troubled by—a coldness that revealed a complete lack of understanding of the classy thing to do at a difficult moment.
And there it is. I think Ungar is expressing an opinion shared by an increasing number of reporters, not just outside the beltway, but within. Obama is in the middle of creating a legacy where he’ll be known to future Americans as a cold, thoughtless individual with a complete lack of understanding of what it means to have any semblance of class. The history books will reflect this about the man.
What frustrates his supporters most is there is little precious time to turn things around. With each week comes another example of the how different the real President Obama is from the Hope and Change candidate sold to the public.