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No plan. Nothing. Clueless.

President Obama acknowledged Thursday he doesn’t have a plan for defeating Islamist militants in Syria and backed away from imminent military action, while he also downplayed reports of a new Russian invasion in Ukraine.

“We don’t have a strategy yet,” Mr. Obama said of his plans for defeating the Islamic State in Syria. “We need to make sure that we’ve got clear plans. As our strategy develops, we will consult with Congress.”

See the video here.

This can’t be good news for the family of journalist Steven Sotloff, whose mother pleaded with the terrorist group earlier this week.

What possesses the US President to get in front of cameras and tell the world he has no plan for how to combat a terrorist group worse than Al Qaeda? Is this just a big bluff? Does he really know what he’s doing but he just wants everyone to think he doesn’t? Will we hear about a special Navy Seals mission in a few days detailing the successful rescue of Sotloff?