There is going to be a second Civil War in the United States. This one won’t have confederates and rebels. There won’t be battlefields and cannon balls. The war will have multiple factions. Whites, Blacks, Hispanics; Rich, Middle Class and Poor, each one fighting a war of words against each other, and the weapon of choice will be the media, and who wields primary control over it.
This weekend, thousands of Americans plan to take the streets in support of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Many claim the mainstream media is fueling a “false narrative”
Americans plan to take to the streets in nearly 100 U.S. cities this weekend in support of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson as well as a U.S. Marine being held since March 31 in Mexico and the families of two slain Border Patrol agents.
William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, one of the groups organizing the rallies, said police, veterans and Border Patrol agents are “under siege” in America.
He said the mainstream media are promoting a “false narrative” regarding the teen killed while “surrendering” to police in Ferguson, Missouri, the imprisonment of U.S. Marine Andrew Tahmooressi in Mexico and the killing of border agents Brian Terry and Javier Vega Jr.
Gheen charged “widespread defamation and abuse” against the men by a biased media and politicians.
“The abuses of the truth and ethics that we’re seeing by liberal politicians and the mainstream media are exacting a price for our citizens and that price is spilled blood,” he said. “Deaths and injuries all across America, where Caucasian Americans are being retaliated against. Because the media suppresses the largest and most frequent kinds of attacks while fostering the false narrative that what’s wrong with America is evil white male racists with guns hunting down minorities and executing them in the streets.”
Right now, the mainstream media is being powered by liberal guilt. That’s why some stories gain traction more than others. Of course it’s political too. The Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Sean Bell stories are perfect stories for the mainstream media to latch on to. The circumstances behind each one are grist for their media mill. People like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get heavy camera time. Talking heads banter on incessantly on cable news channels over race issues that haven’t been solved since the founding of this country. Meanwhile, the streets of Chicago are filled with the bodies of murdered Black men, victims of Black-on-Black crime. Those stories get buried because of the people who run Chicago. People like Rahm Emmanuel, and of course, President Barrack Obama.
I think most American are sick of all of this. Whites are growing tired of the same race baited stories propagated by the media. Blacks are sick of living lives filled with day-by-day evidence of both silent and blatant racism. Hispanics are tired of being portrayed as lazy, illegal immigrants who live their life on the dole of the government. The media plays into each of these narratives.
We’re now in a “Cold Civil War” of sorts. The past few weeks have given us demonstrations, limited rioting, strong words, arguments, and hightened tension between the races. The media amplifies all of this, and in some cases, instigates it.
This Cold Civil War will not remain cold. It can’t. Something will give. President Barrack Obama stood up and presented himself as a healer, among other things. He has failed on all accounts. He has picked his side in this war. Now, Americans like William Gheen are standing up and taking their turn in front of the cameras. Soon there will be others. Who’s side will the next president be on?
We’re on the brink of a second Civil War in America, and there will be no winner.
Don’t be ridiculous.