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Congressman Foley: Kid Stalker

Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL), the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, resigned suddenly after ABC News questioned him about sexually explicit email messages he sent to young boys.

Saying he was “deeply sorry,” Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) resigned from Congress today, hours after ABC News questioned him about sexually explicit internet messages with current and former congressional pages under the age of 18.

A spokesman for Foley, the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, said the congressman submitted his resignation in a letter late this afternoon to Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

Hours earlier, ABC News had read excerpts of instant messages provided by former male pages who said the congressman, under the AOL Instant Messenger screen name Maf54, made repeated references to sexual organs and acts.

In a statement, Foley said, “I am deeply sorry and I apologize for letting down my family and the people of Florida I have had the privilege to represent.”

And to think I was worried about when the next terrorist attack would occur. Now I’m worried about what kind of background checks we perform on our elected leaders.

And isn’t it ironic that he just happens to be the chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. Pffffttt.

Foley is slime – period. He did the right thing by resigning, but now law enforcement needs to do their job.

MORE: Details, details.

Clap Off

Lights are out until the ‘interest level’ meter goes up higher. I guess I just don’t find anything in the news particularly interesting to me these days. So it goes.

I’m busy anyhow. I’m preparing to head off to Germany next week, so there’s lots to do.

Take care.

The Real Bill Clinton

Ah, the rage, the indignation, the…



Talk about being able to dish it out but not take it. When faced with criticism, Bill Clinton is his own worst enemy.

Tisk tisk. Not very statesman like.

Hotair has the whole hissy fit, and does a bit of Bubba fact checkin’.

The Wacko Speaks

The crazy little chump dictator from Venezuela gave a speech today in front of the U.N.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his verbal battle with the United States to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, calling President Bush “the devil.”

The impassioned speech by the leftist leader came a day after Bush and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sparred over Tehran’s disputed nuclear program but managed to avoid a personal encounter.

“The devil came here yesterday,” Chavez said, referring to Bush’s address on Tuesday and making the sign of the cross. “He came here talking as if he were the owner of the world.”

The leftist leader, who has joined Iran and Cuba in opposing U.S. influence, accused Washington of “domination, exploitation and pillage of peoples of the world.”

“We appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our head,” he said.

The transcript reads more like Cindy Sheehan psychobabble than that of a message from a leader of a country. It’s clear that Hugo wanted to make news with this speech, especially after yesterday’s rant from Iran’s Ahmadinejad. Well, he made news alright. Some folks are laughing the whole thing off as nothing more than the ravings of a two-bit lunatic. Still others are ignoring it altogether, as suggested by U.N. Ambassador John Bolton.

Ambassador John Bolton told The Associated Press that Chavez had the right to express his opinion, adding it was “too bad the people of Venezuela don’t have free speech.”

“I’m just not going to comment on this because his remarks just don’t warrant a response,” Bolton said. “Serious people can listen to what he had to say and if they do they will reject it.”

Reject it, yes. Ignore it? That’s hard to do. I mean really, where’s the outrage? Where’s the condemnation from members of congress? When someone publicly calls the President of the United States the “Devil”, our government needs to stand up and unite behind our leader and our Democracy!

Oops, sorry. For a moment I forgot about the like minded Democrats and left wingers out there who applaud Chavez for verbalizing their beliefs. And then there are the RHINOS who are too afraid to stand beside the president. Then all we have left are the millions of vacant Americans who don’t know who the president is.


Bangkok is Burning

Well, not yet, but it’s still early.

Tanks surrounded government buildings in Bangkok today and the Thai Prime Minister declared a state of emergency amid fears of a military coup.

Army-owned television stations interrupted their scheduled broadcasting to show images of the country’s revered Royal Family and songs associated with the Army.

“I declare Bangkok under a severe state of emergency,” he said.

Reuters reported government officials saying that he planned to return to Bangkok on Thursday, a day earlier than planned. They did not give a reason.

Meanwhile, Budapest really is burning. Well, cars and trash cans are. Apparently, the prime minister was caught on video admitting he and his administration lied and lied and lied again to win an April election. Not surprisingly, Hungarians are none too pleased about this.

Ferenc Gyurcsany, Hungary’s prime minister, has resisted calls to step down and vowed to restore public order after an anti-government demonstration on Monday night degenerated into a riot in which 125 people, mostly police, were injured.

The protest – the worst incidence of public unrest in Hungary since the collapse of Communism in 1989 – was triggered by an audio recording, leaked to the press on Sunday, in which Mr Gyurcsany admitted that his Socialist government had lied repeatedly to voters about state finances.

The worst violence occurred in the early hours of Tuesday when hundreds of demonstrators stormed the headquarters of Hungary’ public television demanding to read a statement on the air.

Police, forced back by a shower of paving stones, bottles and other missiles that injured more than 100 officers, fell back inside the building before abandoning it.

As television staff fled through a rear exit and broadcasts were halted, rioters entered the building and occupied it for several hours. The crowd caused significant damage inside the building and set several cars alight. Fire from one of the burning cars spread to the building.

If these things happen in three’s, then let’s get something started in Havana.

Political Correctness Will Kill Us; Pt. 2

Doug Patton writes for Human Events Online…

Sadly, ever since our self-inflicted defeat in Vietnam (or even, some would argue, since our stalemate in Korea a half-century ago) the unwillingness of our leaders to do whatever is necessary to win seems to be the norm rather than the exception. Apparently, we have accepted the idea that when our enemy hides in a mosque, we must not attack him. While they fly airplanes into buildings, we are expected to “understand” them, try to comprehend why they hate us and not strike back with a “disproportionate” response.

While our enemy kidnaps, tortures and beheads innocent civilians and military personnel alike, we court-martial our own troops and send them to prison for harassing a few prisoners in what amounts to college hazing incident.

While our enemy declares war on Christianity and Judaism, using every cruel, inhumane, cowardly tactic to win at all costs, our soldiers are expected to observe sensitivity toward Islam and never “overreact.”

Now we hear of a recent scenario in which American forces had the opportunity to kill nearly 200 known Taliban terrorists attending a funeral in Afghanistan and could not get the order from their superiors to take them out. These are people who will go on to kill our troops in the field. These are people committed to the twisted notion that a radical Islamic state is the only way to govern a nation. And these are people who will stop at nothing to take their jihad to the entire world. To them we are supposed to show respect because they are attending a service in a cemetery? Bury them all!
