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Yesterday, the MSM was giddy with glee over the “ground-breaking” immigration legislation, focusing intently on Senators McCain, Hagel and Graham as the three wise men delivering pure milk and honey. Here’s a sample of what was said 24 hours ago.

In a major breakthrough, Democratic and Republican leaders in the Senate embraced a compromise immigration bill Thursday, fueling prospects for likely Senate passage of a plan that would put most illegal immigrants on track to permanent legal status.

Fast forward to today.

The Senate sidetracked sweeping immigration legislation Friday, leaving in doubt prospects for passing a bill offering the hope of citizenship to millions of men, women and children living in the United States illegally.

A carefully crafted compromise that supporters had claimed could win an overwhelming majority received only 38 of the 60 votes necessary to protect it from weakening amendments by opponents.

Republicans were united in the 38-60 parliamentary vote but Democrats, who have insisted on no amendments, lost six votes from their members.

So, what happened?

The media hype behind yesterday’s announcement and subsequent press conference didn’t include the majority of congressmen and women who opposed this deal. There were far fewer people who supported the legislation as today’s vote proved. The MSM assumed that because the Democratic leadership was standing on stage together with liberal Republican “stars” of the Senate the compromise was indestructible. They couldn’t have been more wrong. The fact is, yesterday’s legislation was a travesty, and it deserved to be killed.

Just how bad was this immigration bill? Kris Kobach reveals one little bomb located on page 302.