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The Rocky Mountain News runs this story featuring Hunter Thompson’s widow, who states matter-of-factily that she sees nothing abnormal about her husband shooting himself through the mouth at their kitchen table, how brave an act it was, and how she always knew that he would “go before her.” I guess the fact that she is 32 and he was 67 might have made the latter inevitable. How sweet it must have been for her and her loved ones to be standing around the kitchen, toasting Hunter’s life while his still warm corpse was sitting right there with them. I wonder, did they prop him up so they could see if he was smiling? Oh, and I love this part:

Upon seeing Hunter Thompson’s body, she embraced him. “Since he’d done this, I did not want to make it difficult for his spirit,” she said. “I wanted to make it loving.”

And this gem:

“His face did look calm and peaceful. He looked content. Like he wanted it.”

OK, all together now… FREAK! Crazy whacked out FREAK! Make that FREAKS! Hunter was just as big a loon as she is. Are we suppose to applaud this woman for her bravery, her dedication to her husband or what? For the life of me, I don’t get this at all.

Update: Of course, suicide is always good for business.