American Girl, manufacturer of an outrageously expensive line of dolls and children’s books, has hacked off leaders of a big conservative group. They’re threatening to stop paying the hundreds of dollars it costs to own just one of these demon possessed life-like dolls unless the toy maker stops giving a small portion of the billions they gross each year to a youth organization that supports abortion rights and acceptance of lesbians.
The protest is directed at an ongoing American Girl campaign in which proceeds from sales of a special “I Can” wristband help support educational and empowerment programs of Girls Inc., a national nonprofit organization which describes its mission as “inspiring girls to be strong, smart and bold.”
American Girl, whose often patriotic products have long had a loyal following among conservatives, issued a statement Friday defending its support of Girls Inc. and assailing the protest campaign.
“We are profoundly disappointed that certain groups have chosen to misconstrue American Girl’s purely altruistic efforts and turn them into a broader political statement on issues that we, as a corporation, have no position,” the statement said.
The Mississippi-based American Family Association, in a campaign launched Wednesday, is urging its members to demand that American Girl halt support for Girls Inc., which it called “a pro-abortion, pro-lesbian advocacy group.”
“Let American Girl know they are making a terrible mistake,” AFA chairman Don Wildmon said in a statement. The AFA says it has more than 2.2 million members.
And they’ve got lots of cold, hard, doll buying cash burning holes in their pockets. American Girl, you’ve been warned.