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15 days after Katrina, Mayor Ben Morris sent a message to the citizens of Slidell, Louisiana, containing some amazing announcements.

To the Citizens of Slidell,

The Weather Service reports that Slidell had sustained winds of 176 mph and gusts of 190+ mph during Hurricane Katrina. In addition, Slidell was hit by a 23’-26’ storm surge that devastated much of the city. This has been very difficult for everyone, but I want to report that we are making great progress thanks to the many city workers, police officers and firefighters, citizens and volunteers who have worked so hard over these last two weeks.

Here is the latest:

  • Our water service is now operational and the drinking water in the City of Slidell is safe to drink and cook with. You do not need to boil your water first.
  • Our sewer system is also operational.
  • Telephone service is back up and running; however, Charter Communications has still not recovered.
  • Clean up is still in progress, thanks to our city work crews and the efforts of over 400 United Stated Marines from around the country.
  • Security remains tight throughout the City of Slidell. Curfew is still in affect from 9:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. and is being strictly enforced. The Slidell Police Department is receiving assistance from police officers from across the nation, as well as the Louisiana National Guard and the Alabama National Guard.
  • Cleco (power) continues to do a tremendous job. There are working lights now on major thoroughfares throughout the city and in some subdivisions. Considering the catastrophic damage to the system, it is absolutely amazing that we have come as far as we have.

Yes, truly amazing.

Follow the link above to read the full message. There’s lots of good news for the people of Slidell.