Back when I was a kid, we could depend on a visit from the local bookmobile. The customized Winnebago containing shelves of books would pull up to my school and park there for the afternoon. It wasn’t like the bookmobile had special books not found anywhere else. In fact, I think the school library had some of the same books found. No, what made the bookmobile cool was the fact that the library was portable.
Fast forward to today. Overdrive has unveiled drawings and details of a travelling community outreach exhibit entitled the Digital Bookmobile. In August, the techno truck will host hands-on, interactive training events at public libraries in major cities in the U.S. The exhibit will help libraries promote a digital media catalog and present the idea of the “virtual branch”. Learning stations will demonstrate how to search for digital media, use mobile devices and download eBooks, music and video.
Something tells me the adults will get more out of this than the kids. After all, they already know how to use all this stuff. At least my kids do. Still, it’s a great way to bring the technology to the people, and let them realize first hand how useful digital resources can be.
Technorati Tags:
Digital Bookmobile, Libraries, Book Mobile