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I’m sure most of us have read about the buzz surrounding the movie “Brokeback Mountain”. Hollywood and homosexual advocacy groups have hailed the film as ground breaking in its portrayal of two sheepherders who fall in love with each other. And even more recently, the film garnered additional attention by being nominated for a Golden Globe.


Today I was reading this from Tammy Bruce…

Hollywood honchos continue to wring their hands over why you’ve stopped going to the movies. They blame ticket prices and DVD availability. They had better start considering the fact that filmmakers are so disconnected, so nihilistic, that the hopelessness and hostility they feel toward the world now permeates their work. Americans will no longer go see movies which are nothing more than the manifestation of the backwash of malignant narcissists. We’re also sick and tired of listening to actors lecture us about how awful the US is, and more recently, why a cold-blooded mass murdering gang founder should have been given clemency. Enough is enough.

Not only will we not go see films which insult us, we refuse to support an existential worldview. We happen to think life does matters, that decency is a good thing, and that people are inherently good, not bad. We also have stopped believing the lie that Americans are bad people. We looked away for 4 decades as that lie was spread, but that time is over.

So you can take your gay sheepherder, noble communist supporting reporters, big-business is evil, Americans are hopelessly and inherently corrupt and violent and unfaithful movies and go to Cannes where at least the Parisian set will love you. But that won’t exactly pay the bills, will it?

It used to be whichever movie won the top awards guaranteed boffo box office. Not any longer. The Golden Globe (the ‘foreign’ press contingent) and the Oscar people are going to find that their nights of orgiastic self-congratulation won’t get them much, if anything, any more.

She’s dead on.

Now, if you need evidence that Hollywood is willing to do anything to get people to buy tickets to their movies, consider this. Forget about the shout outs from pro-gay groups and the mainstream media who are promoting Brokeback Mountain as a long-deserved nod of acceptance toward the homosexual community. The film’s distributor, Focus Features, knows where they make their money. They make it from “joe public”, the every day types who like to head out to the theatre on weekends. Focus understands that while a certain segment of the viewing public is pro-gay, a larger majority isn’t, and they won’t go to see Brokeback Mountain because it helps homosexual advocacy groups. The larger majority will see the movie if it is entertaining and well made. This might explain why Focus Features released a new ad for Brokeback Mountain that obviously deemphasizes the whole “gay” thing.

First, here’s the original movie poster:


Now, here’s the new ad promoting the movie:


Gee, notice anything different?

Pro-gay movies won’t bring in the hundreds of millions of dollars needed by distributors like Focus Features. But, a love story which ends up unifying the good ‘ol American family unit sure will. That’s money in the bank, and that’s why Brokeback Mountain has been de-gayified. It just makes good ‘ol American economic sense.

h/t Steve Pond