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Known Leftist Seymour Hersh writes in todays New Yorker that the Bush Administration is conducting covert, behind-the-scenes exercises aimed at fine tuning a strategy to attack Iran. As usual, his goal is to set off as many alarms as possible while peppering his paragraphs with the typical liberal word play. No need to read the thing though. I can digest it for you right here.

1. Bush is trying to pull an “Iraq” again.

2. He must be stopped.

3. Iran isn’t evil. George W. Bush is.

For most liberals, it’s really that simple. Pre-emptive planning in case we have to go to war with yet another crazed dictator is mean, hurtful, and wrong. Pacifism is where it’s at. But if you have to get tough, you go to the U.N. Period.

The U.S. must do everything in its power to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. If we sit this one out and let the U.N., the French, the Germans and Russians deal with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Israel is doomed, radical islamism will once again start its ugly spread, and the U.S. will be the target of constant terrorist attacks.

This is why I’ll support President Bush if he decides that Ahmadinejad must go.