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Ah, the times in which we live.

Today, Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) called for the censure of President Bush over the NSA program which gathers intelligence on our terrorist enemies. The Senator announced his censure call on ABC’s This Week.

“This conduct is right in the strike zone of the concept of high crimes and misdemeanors,” said Feingold, D-Wis., a three-term senator and potential presidential contender.

He said President Bush had, “openly and almost thumbing his nose at the American people,” continued the NSA domestic wiretap program.

As you would expect, the moonbats are all over this story today. It doesn’t matter that it’s Feingold this time, for any Democrat could have said the same thing and the kool aide drinkers would fall in line.

The fact is, reasonable people agree with Bush and believe that we should do everything possible to prevent the next terrorist attack. They believe that government eavesdropping is a risk to those who are guilty, not innocent Americans. That’s why this pre-9/11 argument put forward by Feingold and other Democrats falls on deaf ears.