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This is unbelievable.


The parents of a teenager who hosted a raucous house party in Melbourne on Saturday night have demanded their son apologise but the 16-year-old is unrepentant, saying he’s done nothing wrong.

In fact, Corey went one step better yesterday.

“Best party ever, that’s what everyone’s saying,” was his verdict.

When asked by the Nine Network what advice he had for teenagers considering throwing a party while parents were away, he said: “Get me to do it for you.”

Steve and Jo Delaney cut short their Gold Coast holiday after a party at their house attracted up to 500 alcohol-charged youths — who damaged police cars with bottles and had to be dispersed with the help of a police helicopter.

Steve Delaney questioned if he could trust Corey any more. “Horrified. (I) just can’t believe what’s happened. Our son has gone totally behind our back,” he told Channel Seven. “So embarrassed for our neighbourhood. Just can’t believe what they must have gone through.”

He said his son pulled out of the family trip at the last minute, saying he had to work.

Ms Delaney said: “I can’t believe that Corey would do this to us to start with. Honestly, he must have planned the party.”

Uh, ya think?

When that kid came home with a tongue stud and pierced nipples that should have been a clue that there were going to be problems ahead. Really, these parents need to grow some skin and kick some reality into this kid. And by the way – who leaves a 16-year-old home alone on a weekend? Idiots.

And worse yet – there’s been no lesson learned whatsoever.

Mark my words – the next time we hear from this kid, it’ll be about how he made a kajillion dollars from his own reality TV series, a rap record, a franchise of 250 party planning service locations, and an appearance at the Super Bowl with Britney Spears.

See? It’s already starting.

What a world.

MORE: This guy is a piece of work.

Corey Delaney, Teen Parties, Britney Spears, Culture, Corey Worthington