Nearing the top spot on my short list of public people who need to go is Julian Bond.
NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, speaking Friday, accused the Bush administration and the Republican Party of catering to "right wing" extremists and trying to reverse civil rights gains.
Bond said the civil rights movement is facing some of its most significant challenges ever as affirmative action is under attack and judges raise questions on how laws should be enforced. He said civil rights activists need to be more vigilant.
Unfortunately, there are only two people in the world that can push Bond into retirement. The Reverend Jesse Jackson, and Bill Cosby. Jackson, at least for the time being, will not ask Bond to leave. Cosby however, has recently been more public with his rant, so there are possibilities there. We shall see. One thing is for sure, Bond’s audiences aren’t growing any larger.
The speech drew cheers from the 120 people at Witherspoon Student Center.
And that included the crickets.