Kimberly Schneider, spokesperson for the Capitol Hill Police said minutes ago that a phone call came into the dispatch center at 10:30 AM EST. The report was that shots had been fired in the Rayburn Garage. Information is still coming in but as of now there is no indication that any member of congress is involved. The police have several tactical groups inside. Their searches haven’t turned up anything. There are no reports of hostages. Reuters reports that there is a smell of smoke in the lobby.
AP report.
UPDATE: CNN reports that two women who ran out of the Rayburn HOB gym said that a gunman is hiding inside. Some say he may be a legitimate plain clothes officer and not the perpetrator. There are other reports indicating that a woman was taken out of the building on a stretcher.
FINAL: Nevermind. Capitol Police say the apparent gunshots that sparked a Capitol shutdown were likely caused by workers using tools.