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If we elect Barack Obama in November, start getting used to seeing little bits and pieces of your freedom disappear.

Believe it.

Pitching his message to Oregon’s environmentally-conscious voters, Obama called on the United States to “lead by example” on global warming, and develop new technologies at home which could be exported to developing countries.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,” Obama said.

“That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen,” he added.

And don’t think the guy won’t try to pull this off. Of course, he won’t succeed, but still – to think that someone who is running for president can suggest that Americans give up their freedom to spend what they want to purchase what they want; to eat what we want and to keep our houses heated to whatever level of comfort we want…it’s…Un-American.

Say “NO” to Obama, or get used to the government sleeping in your bed.

Technorati Tags:
2008 Election, Barack Obama, Democrats, Liberalism, Freedom, Communism