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At least there’s one Democratic Senator who is willing to go out and speak the truth of what his party believes. There is a serious deficit of this kind of personal responsibility among congressional Democrats. While each and every one of them will call a news conference to chastise the Bush administration on it’s response to Hurricane Katrina, it’s decision to take us to war with Iraq, the budget, etc., etc., etc., you’d be hard pressed to find anyone today standing up with Senator Feingold to support Senate Resolution 398. The Senator from Wisconsin introduced the resolution yesterday calling for the censure of President Bush over his warrentless wiretapping program. Everyone knows that a motion to censure is the least of what Democrats want. Ever since Bush won the White House, the Dems have wanted to kick him out of office. Behind closed doors, their mantra is “Stop him!” Yet none of them have the guts to stand up and tell the truth about how they feel. Why? They fear reprisal in GOP states, the very states they must take away from Republicans if they have any hope in winning a majority. Without a majority in congress, the Democrats have no hope of doing the ultimate deed – impeaching the president.

Do you see how meaningless their actions are? Can you hear the vacancy in their rhetoric?


Sen. Russ Feingold agrees.

More: Dana Milbank | Shailagh Murray |
Video: Feingold censure speech |
The Defense: Democrats were caught off guard |