Hitting the internets now. Mitt Romney might withdraw from the race for the Republican nomination today during a speech at CPAC today. We’ll know in a few minutes.
UPDATE: CNN reports that Romney will “suspend” his campaign. OK, so how is that different from quitting?
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will suspend his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, GOP sources tell CNN.
A candidate may “suspend” his or her campaign rather than dropping out, and technically remain a candidate. In this case, he or she is entitled to keep any statewide pledged delegates as well as their district-level delegates.
Candidates who officially drop out must forfeit statewide delegates.
BREAKING: 1:07 PM EST: Mitt’s out.
“If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or (Barack) Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror,” Romney planned to say in a speech to the conference, according to excerpts of his speech.
“This is not an easy decision for me. I hate to lose. My family, my friends and our supporters … many of you right here in this room … have given a great deal to get me where I have a shot at becoming president. If this were only about me, I would go on. But I entered this race because I love America, and because I love America, I feel I must now stand aside, for our party and for our country.”
2008 Election, Mitt Romney