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The Gallup people asked, “Who Do You Think Will Win the Democratic Nomination for President?” The results are pretty clear.

Not only does Obama enjoy this perceptual aura of inevitability, but he also is widely seen as the candidate who would provide the stiffer challenge for John McCain in November. Republicans say he would be tougher for McCain to beat, and Democrats say he would have the best chance of beating McCain come November.

Rasmussen Reports polled likely primary voters in Ohio. Hillary Clinton shows 48% to Obama’s 43%. He’s up 5 percentage points in one week. That’s got the Clinton Campaign in panic mode, and their flight or fight situation has put them in a precarious position. Voters hate overtly negative stump speeches and advertising, yet when you’re backed into the corner, you have few choices.

Such is the state of Hillary’s world today.

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2008 Election, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Polls