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BREAKING: March 28, 2005 – New Southeast Asia Quake, 8.2 Mag. Tsunami Threat, Evacuations.

"My Christmas Vacation – Pong, his friend Joy and I went to Phuket for Christmas. The Tidal wave hit on our third day there."

This from a guy in Phuket who witnessed the tsunami hit. His pictures are posted here (if you are prompted for a password, it is – abc123). His weblog is here.

(A Plea – I’m getting hit very hard on bandwidth usage due to
the size of the videos and pictures. If you feel so inclined, would you consider
sending me a donation? If you donate, I’ll give 50% of whatever you
send me to the Red Cross in care of the victims in Southeast Asia
Simply hit the "Make A Donation" button in the upper left hand corner
of the PunditGuy website. Thank you!!!)