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Democrats hate Rush Limbaugh, and they are going completely wacko over Operation Chaos. Apparently they’ve been successful with a counter strike in Kentucky.

Thousands of Kentuckians who have switched political affiliations over the past three months in hopes of voting in May’s Democratic presidential primary will instead be barred from casting ballots. Secretary of State Trey Grayson alerted Kentuckians on Wednesday to a little-known state law that forbids people who change their party registration after December 31 to vote in the May 20 primary.

Some 9,000 people have switched parties since Jan. 1. Grayson said voter registration drives by supporters of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton could inadvertently cause the number of ineligible voters to grow.

9,000? Not bad.

That’s funny — the campaigns are getting in the game trying to recruit more voters by getting people to switch parties. If they find a way to arrest Rush and put him in jail for inspiring voter fraud (so far they’ve been unsuccessful), will Obama and Hillary be put in jail too?

Don’t bet on it.

Technorati Tags:
Barack Obama, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Operation Chaos