You remember the big block of voters who came out of nowhere in 2008 to vote for The One, don’t you? Yeah, those brainless, out of touch with reality, touchy-feely sheep who were hypnotized by the second coming of the pseudo messiah. Those voters.
Well, Obama understands that 2010 will be a blow out for the Dems if he doesn’t "reconnect" with "his" base. So he pulled out the teleprompter, set up his YouTube camera, and went to work.
Gaze into my eyes…
The question is, will it work this time around? Everyone knows voter turn out for congressional elections is notoriously lackluster. The only way Obama can effectively rally the lemmings is if he manipulates a willing media into putting him on TV (in a positive light) nightly from say, late September until the vote in November. Unfortunately for Barry, this time around the media might have to go to Defcon 5 to filter out the discontent of real voters who are intelligent enough to realize what kind of train wreck the Obama presidency has been to date. ABC-CBS-NBC-CNN-MSNBC-PBS will have to manufacture some interesting camera angles to blunt out the thousands of people holding signs like this one.