Via Drudge:
9:09 AM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME – 8.2 quake occurs in Indian Ocean, tsunamis feared. Lasted up to three minutes,same location as giant quake that hit area Dec. 26.
A powerful earthquake of measuring up to 8.5 on the Richter scale hit Indonesia’s tsunami-devasted Sumatra island late Monday, causing major panic and power blackouts…
More: BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) – A large earthquake struck off Indonesia’s Sumatra Island in the Andaman Sea late Monday, and the U.S. Geological Survey said it was a major quake measuring a magnitude of 8.2.
Thai officials issued a warning of a possible tsunami, three months after a tsunami devastated parts of Indonesia and other countries in the region. The quake occurred at 11:09 p.m. local at a depth of nearly 19 miles, the USGS in Golden, Colo., said.
Japan’s Meteorological Agency measured the quake at magnitude 8.2.
More coverage here
BREAKING: Indian Ocean Earthquake Caused By, Yes, George Bush
At least according to the “reality based community” posting on Democratic Underground. In related news, scientists have determined that the Tunguska Fireball was caused by Karl Rove fucking around with his chemistry set in a doomed effort to create a…
Massive Quake In Indonesia, Tsunami’s Feared
A powerful aftershock in the same area as December 26th’s devastating quake in Indonesia has set off a series of tsunami warnings and evacuations.BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (AP) – A major earthquake struck off the west coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island…
I cant sleep… and didnt feel the tremor
Was trying to sleep for the pass hour. Tossing around in bed and finally given up the idea of sleeping.
Turned on MSN, and saw many people with new nicks – “OMG! I felt the tremor!”, “How come I didn’t feel the tremor?”
I was thinking, “What th…
Another South East Asia Quake
Reports are coming in that there has been another quake off the coast of Sumatra. It may or may not be an aftershock of the December 26, 2004 quake ranging somewhere between 8.2 and 8.5 in magnitude. It seems to be the same kind of quake that caused …
Two strong earthquakes in Indonesia
The first, at 11:09 pm Monday (local time at epicenter, 10:09 am, CST)measured 8.7. The second, measured 6.0.
See map here.
Kevin at
Mag 8.5 quake in Indonesia (UPDATE: NOW AN 8.7)
A magnitude 8.5 earthquake has occured in the Sumatra region of Indonesia. This is an aftershock to the 9.0 earthquake from last December, which caused the devestating Asian tsunami.There are fears that this quake could cause another tsunami. Details f…
Tsunami. Ancora.
Tsunami, again. Natale. Adesso Pasqua. Sembra una maledizione. Non si sa molto, ancora. Terremoto. Panico. Morti. Niente onde, al momento. Sono passate più di tre ore. Avrebbero già dovuto colpire le coste più vicine. La gente si riversa lontano…
8.7(maximum aftershock) SUMATRA Indonesia. We predicted and warned this Earthquake as 65 % of occurrence percentage.[EarthquakeAlert]
We predicted and warned the earthquake 8