How convenient for Ray.
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said on Wednesday he was shocked by video showing U.S. President George W. Bush being told the day before Hurricane Katrina hit that the city’s protective levees could fail.
“It surprises me that if there was that kind of awareness, why was the response so slow?” said Nagin, whose city was devastated when the storm struck on August 29 and causing massive flooding.
“I have kind of a sinking feeling right now in my gut. I mean, I was listening to what people were saying and I was believing them that they didn’t know. So therefore it was an issue of a learning curve.
“From this tape it looks like everybody was fully aware.”
Nagin had a “sinking” feeling. Kind of like the same feeling we had when we saw Ray’s (lack of) preparedness.
Alot of people are going to try to make hay over Bush’s comments and Max Mayfield’s warning.
However, anyone who’s ever lived in New Orleans knows without a doubt what TOPPING is versus what BREACHING is.
As I point out in the post I’ll link in a second, Mayfield DID NOT warn of a breach of the levees, he warned of storm surge topping the levees. A topped levee isn’t a failed levee, levees get topped and the water flows into the canals and then gets pumped out, that’s the design.
A levee breach or failure is a completely different event from what Mayfield addresses.
Hey Ray
Did you truly have no idea that your own Parish could get flooded??? Were you not aware as “Mayor of New Orleans” what would happen with the levees? Stop playing dumb and blaming on people that dont even live in the community that supposedly is yours!
Stop blaming the “whites” whatever that means!
I’m black…your looking for a “scapegoat”
What the MSM won’t ever tell you- New orleans is mostly a victim of it’s OWN carefree attitude. The sad TRUTH is most New Orleanians were fully aware of the dangers of the city’s geography and the potential for disaster any given hurricane season, but serious prepardness was always put on the backburner. Partying and “Laizze Faire” were the biggest priorities in N.O., and the typical corrupt,populist political sideshows didn’t help matters either. It was mother nature and “business as usual” that devasted southeast Louisiana-NOT the Feds or President Bush! It seems like blaming G.W. for all the world’s ills has become a pastime for liberals-ENOUGH ALREADY!