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I’m on a press release distribution list that is delivered by email from Fenton Communications, the PR company who represents and other leftist organizations. I don’t know how I got on the list, as I certainly didn’t sign up nor did I misrepresent myself to them in the hopes that I would receive ‘insider’ info designed for only the most serious moonbat. In fact, I’ve tried to unsubscribe a number of times, to no avail. You’d think they wouldn’t want someone like me receiving their bloviations. Perhaps it’s an orchestrated effort to brainwash convert me into moonbat-lite or a little moonybat or something? Who knows…

Anyway, today I received yet another email from my Fenton friends. This one comes from Jessica Smith.

Just wanted to bring to your attention this column about MoveOn’s actions tomorrow (delivering 400,000+ “Out in ’06” petitions to 248 congressional districts) which represent EXACTLY the kind of anti-war energy that the Republican leadership is worried about. They know that Republicans are vulnerable because the majority of Americans are NOT on their side concerning the President’s failed Iraq policy. And, the heat is on. It’s evidenced in the RNC’s latest memo, prepping members about MoveOn’s events tomorrow. Just wanted to give you a heads up.  Best, Jessica 202-822-5200.

And Jessica was kind enough to “give me a heads up”. Isn’t that thoughtful?

Jessica links to Chris Cillizza’s WaPo blog, The Fix. Chris talked with’s Washington Director Tom Matzzie, and quoted to him the statement from a GOP circular alerting congressional members to anticipate’s intentions to conduct various Anti-war protests in the coming weeks and months.

I probably don’t have to remind you of the fact that Fenton Communications in March 2003 published a book of tips for “navigating media in wartime,” in which they advised…

“DON’T bash Bush. 2 out of 3 Americans approve of Bush’s handling of the confrontation with Saddam Hussein. In times of war — especially the early stages — the public’s instinct is to stand behind its leader. You won’t win any allies by alienating yourself with harsh attacks.”

Oh, that’s so 2003 Jessica! That was then and this is now. And America is behind you right? If that’s true, then why does have to resort to dirty tactics like this? Really now Jessica, do you sincerely believe that Americans stand with when they manipulate television ads which disrespect our fighting men and women in Iraq? Does really even know what a U.S. soldier looks like? Do you?

Can’t wait for your next email Jessica.