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If you believe the poll data from AP—Ipsos, you’d think so. Just under a fourth of the population said they planned to commemorate King’s birthday on Monday. A solid majority of blacks, 60 percent, said they would be involved.

Among the findings:

  • Blacks are more likely than whites to commemorate Martin Luther King’s birthday
  • Three-fourths of Americans say there has been significant progress toward equality, but only 66 percent of blacks feel that way
  • Fewer than one in six whites, 15 percent, planned to commemorate the day
  • Three-fourths of those polled say King should be honored with a federal holiday

All 50 states gradually recognized a King holiday, but only one-third of businesses offer a paid holiday today.

In a ‘pot calling the kettle black’ moment, this poll makes about as much sense as the following polls:

  • Christians are more likely than Jews to commemorate Jesus’s birthday, an AP-Ipsos poll found
  • Muslims are more likely than Christians to celebrate Ramadan, an AP-Ipsos poll found
  • Republicans are more likely than Democrats to support President Bush, an AP-Ipsos poll found
  • Non-vegetarians are more likely than vegans to eat pizza, an AP-Ipsos poll found
  • Gay males are more likely than lesbians to prefer sexual relations with men, an AP-Ipsos poll found
  • People who breathe oxygen are more likely than dead people to live, an AP-Ipsos poll found