Harriet Miers met with President Bush last night around 8:30 PM, and together, they both decided it was time for Harriet to bow out. She sent a letter this morning to the president asking him to withdraw her nomination to the Supreme Court. He accepted her request, and gave this statement.
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Blog Swarm Strikes Again: Harriet Miers Withdraws Nomination
Miers is gone.
But I predict George Bush will nominate another unqualified person. Perhaps his tailor. Or his dentist. Or his dog walker.
What did Bush learn? Maybe he learned that the people who put him in office actually expect him to be a conser…
Just hearing (and I just posted The clock is ticking). What a relief. Sad, pensive, what-a-waste relief. Not happy-joy-joy relief. First Breitbart/AP dispatch 858am EDT: Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination to be a Supreme Court justice Thursday in th…
Harriet, Bring the Cannoli!
I knew better than to make a whole catagory for you, Harriet!
But thank you for your service to this country and your president, and thank you for maintaining your dignity while all around you people were stomping and huffing and braying, and other…
Is it any surprise?
Harriet Miers withdrew her nomination to the Supreme Court this morning. For once, the Dingy Harry Reid (sorta) got it right:"The radical right wing of the Republican Party killed the Harriet Miers nomination," said Senate Democratic le…