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Department of Water and Power does not know cause of mass outage. LAPD put on tactical alert. One can’t help but wonder what this is especially after the release of the al Qaeda video tapped terror warning yesterday, which specifically mentioned Los Angeles as a target.

AP has more.

A large portion of Los Angeles (search) was blacked out Monday when electrical power was lost. The power got knocked out shortly before 1 p.m. after two power surges. Traffic lights throughout downtown and the San Fernando Valley were not working, causing major traffic problems, according to video from helicopter news crews.

Downtown highrises also were darkened. The city’s department of water and power said it was investigating the cause and extent of the outage.

UPDATE: Slowly, electricity is coming back up. Solar Flare and Terrorism Discounted As Cause.

UPDATE II: ‘Dept of water and power worker snapped a power line‘ – 90% of customers back on.