The Senate Judiciary Committee couldn’t bare the thought of voting in opposition to demonstrators, so they approved legislation today which tramples on the rule of law. If they get their way, being in this country illegally won’t really be illegal anymore.
Nice job.
“All Americans wanted fairness and they got it this evening,” said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who played a pivotal role in drafting the legislation.
Apparently, Uncle Teddy doesn’t (hiccup) want to lose the (hiccup) servants he has employed under the table (hiccup) all these years.
The 12-6 vote was unusual, with a majority of Republicans opposed to the measure even though their party controls the Senate.
Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., voted for the bill but signaled that some of the provisions could well be changed by the full Senate once debate begins there Tuesday.
Taking his cue from John Kerry, no doubt. Specter votes against upholding the rule of law, before he votes for it (if he absolutely has to).
In general, the bill is designed to strengthen the Border Patrol, create new opportunities for so-called guest workers and determine the legal future of the estimated 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally.
Oh sure, that’s what the bill is intended to do, but it’s really just simple amnesty. Once that cow is out of the barn…
At several critical points, committee Democrats showed unity while Republicans splintered. In general, GOP Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Sam Brownback of Kansas and Mike DeWine of Ohio, who is seeking re-election this fall, sided with Democrats. That created a majority that allowed them to shape the bill to their liking.
Whoring for votes…priceless.
Short term pandering aside – what we have here is the makings of a national security nightmare, not to mention the economic problems that will erupt. The estimated 11 million illegal immigrants more likely number in the 100 million range, and this number will soar if weak legislation like this is ultimately passed. Our borders are already in a state of crisis. This will compound the problem exponentially. Let’s face it – the immigration problem can’t be fixed by waving a magic amnesty wand.
I’m sick and tired of our elected officials voting to protect their careers, and this action today is just another example of them exercising a life extension program.