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Via the WaPo, former US President Jimmy Carter urges the US and Israel not to punish the Palestinians.

There he goes again…

The role of the prime minister was greatly strengthened while Abbas and Ahmed Qureia served in that position under Yasser Arafat, and Abbas has announced that he will not choose a prime minister who does not recognize Israel or adhere to the basic principles of the “road map.” This could result in a stalemated process, but my conversations with representatives of both sides indicate that they wish to avoid such an imbroglio. The spokesman for Hamas claimed, “We want a peaceful unity government.” If this is a truthful statement, it needs to be given a chance.

And therein lies the problem, Mr. Carter. On what basis are we to believe that Hamas would be the least bit truthful when it comes to Israel? The only truth I’ve heard from it’s members is the truth of their hate for Israel.

The real problem is, Jimmy Carter doesn’t believe that Hamas and Terrorism are one in the same. Two peas in a pod. Birds of a feather. Mr. Jimmy believes that there are responsible members of Hamas who, if given the chance, would step up and become savvy, formidable politicians who could take a little power away from Israel and ‘even things out’.

Jimmy Carter is wrong. Again. As wrong as he was when he was president. But I guess that’s what happens when you get kicked out of office by an electorate who was more than happy to extricate Carter from the White House grounds. Deep down, Carter is pissed off about that, and ever since, he’s been a lacky for the Left and a thorn amongst Republican roses. That’s why he unilaterally jumps at the chance to travel around the world and butt in on its affairs. His 82-year old mind says he’s not done ruling yet.

Pride’s a funny thing. It can also be dangerous. Carter won’t listen to Republicans, or anyone in the Bush administration. There isn’t anyone in the Democratic party who has the guts to tell Carter to stay in Atlanta. What we have then is a defiant senior citizen who just happened to be president once and believes he didn’t get a real chance to be a great president so come hell or high water, he’s gonna be a great ex-president, no matter what anyone thinks.

You wanna know something really frightening? There’s another ‘Carter’ out there, and his name is Bill Clinton. He’s only 60 years old. He could do damage for another 25, maybe even 30 years!

And that’s something to be scared about.