Wow, that took longer than I thought it would. I started the move of PunditGuy from TypePad to Movable Type yesterday afternoon, and slowly but surely, the Internet finally steered readers in the right direction. I saw quite a few of you at the old site, which came in handy as a temporary playpen. Sorry for the trouble. I hope you all like the new design. I’m tired of thinking about domain hosts, DNS, PINGS, CNAME, A and MX records. Phew.
Thanks for sticking with me. It’ll be good to get back to regular ‘ol bloggin.
Oh, and one more thing…if you discover a dead link, please let me know. While TP and MT are both designed by Six Apart, the export and import of blog data isn’t completely clean. I’ve already found some permalinks that were hosed. Hopefully, I caught ’em all.