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Do we have an official front runner now?

Mitt Romney won the Nevada Republican caucuses Saturday, scoring dramatic back-to-back victories in the race for the nomination.

With 86 percent of caucus sites reporting, Romney had 53 percent in the state, followed by John McCain with 13 percent, Ron Paul with 13 percent, Mike Huckabee with 8 percent, Fred Thompson with 8 percent, Rudy Giuliani with 2 percent and Duncan Hunter with 2 percent.

Mitt just didn’t win Nevada. He pulled out a can o’ whupass and cleaned up. Mr. Romney leads the delegate race right now, by a pretty nice margin too. Of course, nothing is settled until February 5th, but as of now, he’s sittin’ pretty.

Question is, can I support him if he does turn out to be the GOP nominee?

2008 Election, Mitt Romney, Politics, Republicans, Nevada, GOP