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After an incredibly long day of travel (tube rides, Heathrow Express, waiting in Heathrow terminal for hours, boarding the plane, barely surviving the 9+ hour flight, landing, immigration, getting hassled by an over zealous immigration cop, retrieving my bag, getting out of the Vancouver, Canada airport, traveling home in 60+ mile per hour winds and beating rain…phew!) I get home and I’m sick. Actually, I was nursing a cold in London and it got worse by the smoke filled convention center. This is the second time I’ve come home sick after a business trip. Hmmm, what does it mean? (It means I should take better care of myself, I guess.)

Today, I feel pretty miserable. The wife has been pumping me full of all sorts of naturopathic junk. She’s trying to convince me that it’s helping. I’m doubtful, but we’ll see. I absolutely have to go into work tomorrow so here’s hoping it works.

All this is to say that the ‘Light Blogging’ sign remains illuminated.