At least tonight I do. They have outdone themselves by putting together a comprehensive online presentation of the Tsunami disaster. Tracking the monster wave and it’s hour by hour destruction, the site adds photos, simulations and provides a lesson on plate movements.
Bravo New York Times.
Now, tomorrow I’ll go back to hating you.
Tracking The Tsunami
The New York Times has put together a quite impressive online presentation of the Tsunami disaster, in interactive format and with an incredible amount of data on almost anything you’d want to know about it.
The 10 Spot – Miscellaneous Edition
Ten things miscellaneous items you might have missed today… Conservative PunditGuy loves the New York Times, and in this case of this multimedia presentation you may too. [Link] We’re live in the world of tomorrow, unfortunately our computers don’t t…
Now your talking Dude. I’d be lost without the nytimes. They might be the MSM. But they sure know how to cover a story!…Z