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Time Magazine is running a story which focuses on the woes of the Republican party, and how their political doomsday is just around the corner. I think not. While it is true that some moderate GOP’ers up for reelection in November are finding it difficult to balance their campaign message between what they like about Bush policy and what they don’t like, Time paints a picture of treachery for all Republicans. This is not only inaccurate, it’s unfair. (Isn’t it funny how these stories always seem to come out when conservatives control the White House and hold a majority in Congress?)

One could say that a majority of Republicans should just be cautious and do everything possible to keep themselves clean, that is, as long as the Democrats remain message-less. I wouldn’t bring that advice though. Republicans who face a tough campaign should focus on what the positive things they’ve done, what they continue to do right, and how they need to finish the job. I know it’s a cliche, but all politics is local, and Republicans should focus on the needs of their districts, not the Democrats or the MSM’s war on this president.