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Apparently disgusted with the recent abortion ruling in South Dakota, Molly Blythe has decided to put together a primer on the procedure along with the hardware necessary to perform an abortion, for friends, family members, or any woman currently saddled with an unwanted pregnancy.

The whole thing has troubled anti-abortion and abortion-rights activists alike.

Putting aside for a moment the whole issue of abortion, the process of abortion, the debate over abortion…

I don’t know what the hubbub is all about when it comes to posting instructions like this. People have used the Internet to publish illicit ‘how to manuals’ for years. In a few seconds, anyone can use Google to find out how to create pipe bombs, how to rip off ATMs, how to steal cable television, or how to commit suicide. How is this any different? Disturbed people will be interested in implementing this crap, while the rest of us remain mildly amused by it.