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Laura calls ‘em as she sees ‘em – and it’s about time too.

Laura Bush criticized Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday for suggesting that the Republican-controlled House is run like a plantation where dissenting voices are ignored.

“I think it’s ridiculous – it’s a ridiculous comment,” Mrs. Bush told reporters when asked about the remark during a return flight to Washington following her four-day swing through West Africa.

Clinton made the comment in Harlem at an event honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. She said the GOP was running the House “like a plantation” because ideas from the minority Democrats were not respected. The White House on Tuesday called the senator’s comments “way out of line.”

Mrs. Bush, who said her next trip likely will be to New Orleans to visit schools damaged in the hurricane, also reacted to a comment by New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin that stirred controversy. Nagin had said: “This city will be chocolate at the end of the day.” He later apologized.

Nagin also said the hurricane that devastated New Orleans was God’s way of showing displeasure about U.S. involvement in Iraq. “Surely God is mad at America,” Nagin said in a speech Monday. “Surely He’s not approving of us being in Iraq under false pretense. But surely He’s upset at black America also. We’re not taking care of ourselves.”

Asked about the comment, Mrs. Bush joked that she didn’t really think she could speak for God. 


Perhaps Laura’s been learning a thing or two from her mother-in-law Barbara? She’s never had a difficult time telling it like it is.

There’s nothing wrong with calling people on the carpet, and it should be done more often. Laura Bush gives credibility too, which is why it’s important for her to be more outspoken.