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Peter Daou, who after reading some of my comments, has successfully commandeered a couple of moonbat invasions on this blog in the past, has been hired by Hillary Clinton to help ‘disseminate her message’ throughout the blogosphere. You see, Hillary doesn’t understand blogs, she cannot relate to bloggers, and moreover, she’s deathly afraid of screwing up in this world. So, she does the easy thing by adding another lacky to the payroll.  

Mrs. Clinton, who is up for re-election this year and is a possible presidential candidate for 2008, has been a frequent target of bloggers, particularly liberals who are angry over her refusal to disavow her vote in 2002 to authorize President Bush to use force in Iraq.

The Clinton camp is clearly counting on Mr. Daou, who directed blog outreach and online rapid response for Senator John Kerry’s presidential campaign in 2004, to help improve Mrs. Clinton’s image among liberal bloggers, who are fast becoming a constituency in their own right and may thus play a significant role in selecting the Democratic Party’s nominee for president.

The move underscores the degree to which bloggers — the authors of Web logs, or blogs — have begun to transform American politics. In many cases, candidates have even set up their own blogs, with staffers answering questions, presenting policy proposals and posting campaign literature and videos.

Dan Riehl has more. So does Ace.