Stupid enough to question the events of September 11th, 2001. Try this on for size:
Sheen described his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for the collapse of the twin towers and building 7 on the day of 9/11.
“I was up early and we were gonna do a pre-shoot on Spin City, the show I used to do, I was watching the news and the north tower was burning. I saw the south tower hit live, that famous wide shot where it disappears behind the building and then we see the tremendous fireball.”
“There was a feeling, it just didn’t look like any commercial jetliner I’ve flown on any time in my life and then when the buildings came down later on that day I said to my brother ‘call me insane, but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition’?”
And he goes on and on and on.
This is serious tin foil hat stuff. Sheen, a former drug and alcohol abuser, is obviously hitting the sauce again. What’s next Charlie? Holocaust denial?
He should be ashamed of himself for pushing this crap. It’s disgusting.
Never… Ever… has a steel framed building completely collapsed due to fire. In one day, on 911, three did in a matter of hours, including one building (WTC 7) that was never hit by an aircraft and had only minimal fires. Physics experts and structural engineers accross the country have written peer accpeted papers on the topic: paste link – .
So lets set somthing straight: Charlie sheen is NOT crazy for saying that the buildings seem as if they were demolished by controlled demolition.
I think Charlie’s just pissed cause he bet $100 that they would hit at least 80% of their targets. What an idiot! Hey Charlie, they have actual Pentagon footage of the plane hitting the building….perhaps you should do some homework (and perhaps detox a little) before making such ludacris statements!
Can you point me to that footage. I have been researching the events of 911 for over three years, and I have yet to see anything except for five still frame clips of an unidentifiable blob. I would like to see the footage from the Sheratin Hotel that was right across the street. – of course those tapes (among other good quality recordings) were confiscated by FBI agents, and never released.
websites of Interest:
the authour should inform himself…
Read these articles..
9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious People Respond?
by Dr. David Ray Griffin
Significant Pattern to 9/11 Report’s Omissions & Distortions
by Dr. David Ray Griffin
The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie
By Dr. David Ray Griffin
The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True
By Dr. David Ray Griffin
Explosive Testimony:
Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories
By Dr. David Ray Griffin / 26jan2006
Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93: The 9/11 Commission’s Incredible Tales
by David Ray Griffin
Possible Motives Of The Bush Administration – By Dr. David Ray Griffin
this is stupid
People WAKE UP!!! You don’t have to be Charlie Sheen to reach the truth about 9/11, there is plenty of evidence today that it was an inside job. For you Mr. Bill Nienhuis, Sally, and the others out there, you should first do a little real research before expressing your lack of knowledge about the issue, and stop being what they want you to be — CATTLE!
Wake up! Go to:,,, and many others, you can free download many 9/11 investigation videos. And for those who will like to see the best of the best investigation about 9/11 go to See it for your self, see who really did this to America, you’ll be shock. Tell your love ones, tell the world, for the good of your children and generations to come, WAKE UP!
And for you Jack, the footage of the pentagon doesn’t show any airplane or remains of an airplane, it is all a big, fat LIE! Again, WAKE UP! Because it’s already too late to know the painful truth. Or remain lost in the ignorance.
Sorry Jack,
I only read the first line of your second comment, and though you were looking for any video that will show the strike to the pentagon. My whole attention was grasp by the misinformed people who posted their comments about Sheen’s exposition of the truth.
I hope you 9/11 conspiracy theorist guys posting here are trolls. If you’re not, you’d better start wearing a helmet, ’cause you’re fucking retarded.
Scott H, sorry to say this but you are wrong. I’ve read all official reports and all witness reports. I studied construction technology at the science program here in Sweden.
There is no way those buildnings would collapse into their own footprint. It’s against the laws of physics. In order for a straight downward collapse you need to remove all bearing columns at the same moment, something that can only be done with explosives. Also the fires was way to weak to even weaken the steel construcion.
So before you open your mouth next time, you should study physics/construction engineering for 4 years, then you should read all the official reports and watch/read all witness statements.
Until then you are not competent enough to state your opionion.
You people better start doing your research…or you’re going to have egg all over your faces. Here’s the truth that the media won’t report =) Sheen has the edge, because he’s done the homework…notice how none of you will address the facts? :
(12 seconds before WTC1 collapse, earthquake type rumble shakes the tripod of this camera, debris falls off the right side of the building)
It corroborates with this from the video 911 Eyewitness:
(Time frame 52:50 – 55:10 , 4 explosions can be heard roughly 12 seconds before WTC1 collapse + white smoke rising from the streets)
The above 911 Eyewitness film was shown in Japan, 50 international journalists were almost in unanimous agreement that controlled demolition brought down the towers.
Tokyo, Japan event:
Also footage from Loose Change 2nd Edition (time frame 51:30 – 53:40)
MIT Engineer:
FEMA and NIST have been unable to offer a plausible explanation for WTC7’s collapse. WTC7 was intentionally omitted from the 911 Commission Report. This is why:
Bombs were found in the buildings, and numerous explosions occured before the towers collapsed. Of course, you won’t hear about that in the official 911 Commission Report 😉
USA Today reported the FBI believed bombs brought the towers down
CNN reported secondary devices
NBC also reported secondary devices
Videos of witnesses reporting explosions before the towers collapsed
Fire fighter: “here we go again”
Another fire fighter: “Bomb in the building, start clearing out”
Background voices: “secondary device…”
Recently uploaded video on google with footage of a presentation given at the University of Wisconsin, along with another presentation that includes a MIT researcher (Debunking the official collapse theories given by our government), news interview with a BYU professor, and Morgan Reynolds. The 9/11 Commission Report denied the existence of the 47 central steel columns in the towers! The 9/11 Commission Report also fails to mention WTC 7.
Fire fighter quotes:
“I know I was with an officer from Ladder 146, a Lieutenant Evangelista, who ultimately called me up a couple of days later just to find out how I was. We both for whatever reason — again, I don’t know how valid this is with everything that was going on at that particular point in time, but for some reason I thought that when I looked in the direction of the Trade Center before it came down, before No. 2 came down, that I saw low-leve] flashes. In my conversation with Lieutenant Evangelista, never mentioning this to him, he questioned me and asked me if I saw low-level flashes in front of the building, and I agreed with him because I thought — at that time I didn’t know what it was. I mean, it could have been as a result of the building collapsing, things exploding, but I saw a flash flash flash and then it looked like the building came down.”
“No, the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building, how when they blow up a building, when it falls down? That’s what I thought I saw. And I didn’t broach the topic to him, but he asked me. He said I don’t know if I’m crazy, but I just wanted to ask you because you were standing right next to me. He said did you see anything by the building? And I said what do you mean by see anything? He said did yc.u see any flashes? I said, yes, well, I thought it was just me. He said no, I saw them, too.
I don’t know if that means anything. I mean, I equate it to the building cowing down and pushing things down, it could have been electrical explosions, it could have been whatever. But it’s just strange that two people sort of say the same thing and neither one of us talked to each other about it. I mean, I don’t know this guy from a hole in the wall. I was just standing next to him. i never met the man before in my lite. He knew who was I guess by my name on my coat and he called me up, you know, how are you doing? How’s everything? And, oh, by the way did you… It was just a little strange”
Captain Karin Deshore, Batallion 46:
“Somewhere around the middle of the World Trade Center, there was this orange and red flash coming out. Initially it was just one flash. Then this flash just kept popping all the way around the building and that building had started to explode. The popping sound, and with each popping sound it was initially an orange and then red flash came out of the building and then it would just go all around the building on both sides as far as I could see. These popping sounds and the explosions were getting bigger, both going up and down and then all around the building.
I went inside and I told everybody that the other building or there was an explosion occurring up there and I said I think we have another major explosion…
So here these explosions are getting bigger and louder and bigger and louder and I told everybody if this building totally explodes, still unaware that the other tower had collapsed, I’m going in the water.”
Firefighter Louie Cacchioli, who was quoted earlier, testified in 2004 to members of the Commission’s staff. But, he reported, they were so unreceptive that he ended up walking out in anger. “I felt like I was being put on trial in a court room,” said Cacchioli. “They were trying to twist my words and make the story fit only what they wanted to hear. All I wanted to do was tell the truth and when they wouldn’t let me do that, I walked out.”58
That Cacchioli’s experience was not atypical is suggested by janitor William Rodriguez, whose testimony was also quoted earlier. Although Rodriguez was invited to the White House as a National Hero for his rescue efforts on 9/11, he was, he said, treated quite differently by the Commission: “I met with the 9/11 Commission behind closed doors and they essentially discounted everything I said regarding the use of explosives to bring down the north tower.”59
When reading The 9/11 Commission Report, one will not find the name of Cacchioli, or Rodriguez, or anyone else reporting explosions in the towers. It would appear that the Commission deliberately withheld this information, as it apparently did with regard to Able Danger60 and many other things that should have been included in “the fullest possible account of the events surrounding 9/11.”61
The definitive report about the collapse of the towers was to have been provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). According to Rodriguez, however, this investigative body was equally uninterested in his testimony: “I contacted NIST . . . four times without a response. Finally, [at a public hearing] I asked them before they came up with their conclusion . . . if they ever considered my statements or the statements of any of the other survivors who heard the explosions. They just stared at me with blank faces.”62
In light of this report of NIST’s response, it is not surprising to find that its final report, which in the course of supporting the official story about the collapses ignores many vital issues,63 makes no mention of reports of explosions and other phenomena suggestive of controlled demolition.
Operation Northwoods:
In 1962 the Joint Chiefs of Staff were going to paint a plane like a commercial airliner and swap it with a real one. Then they were gonna shoot it down and blame Castro for it. Then go to war against Cuba using this fake terrorism.
I think maybe they finally got around to it on Sept 11, 2001
Operation Northwoods:
In 1962 the Joint Chiefs of Staff were going to paint a plane like a commercial airliner and swap it with a real one. Then they were gonna shoot it down and blame Castro for it. Then go to war against Cuba using this fake terrorism.
I think maybe they finally got around to it on Sept 11, 2001
How mature, attack the actor’s past instead of checking the facts… Yeah cause talking about the facts wouldn’t help you at all would it coward? if you honestly believe that 9/11 commission report you deserve whatever else your government has in store for you.
Charlie is right. I am a conservative republican unlike Charlie, but I know people in the military and government that are investigating the 9/11 lie. Only a complete gullible hillbilly believes that a bunch of Arabs who could NOT fly their single engine planes in flight school all of a sudden became expert pilots and navigated to the WTCs and pentagon, and hit them perfectly!
…and remeber flying a plane into an exact location in a big city requires following the complicated instruments in the plane from an altitude of 35,000. With no signs outside the plane’s window to guide you, immense stress and in the case of the ‘hijackers’ (many of whom have turned up alive since), skills insufficient to fly a two seater plane. Even being the slighest degree off track at that altitude and flying over 500 mph would mean missing your target and perhaps the city entirely.
Bush is the conspiracy theorist.
Follow the SCIENCE!
Military grade explosives brought down the buildings.
If you disagree then tell us why! Have an intelligent debate instead of attacking people personally.
The reason that hasn’t happened is because there’s not any scientific evidence to back up the official theory.
I knew it all along… Charlie Sheen is a brave man and we all owe it to him as patrotic americans for risking his life and speaking out…
FYI the CNN coverage:
Charlie Sheen is a brave man to risk reputation and his wealth for standing and doing what is right. These shills will not stop the truth from coming out and no amount of tinfoil will cover up these crimes.
Sharon Stone commends Sheen, I commend him, Alex Jones and 70 precent of America does. Looks like the Tin hat is on Pundit Guy this time.
Our government is just trying to manipulate us. Why was nothing done when these planes quit responding and began to fly off course? …to complete the mission, as planned, that’s why. Explosives were used in these buildings, that is obvious. There are no signs of a plane hitting the Pentagon. We need to wake up and take back our country.
Charlie Sheen is selectively quoted by you people on this issue. In the interview he pointed to ignored evidence that once again you choose to ignore.
It’s always great fun, if a little sad to read the ramblings of the “head-in-the-sand” brigade. The “so-what-if our-president-is-an-oil-man-and-he-knew-the-bin-laden-family-personally” nutcases. The truth is a little too much for these guys to cope with. The “Okay-Adolf-is-a-bit-of-a-character-but-these-jews-are-trying-to-destroy-the-german-homeland” types. You know the ones. The “we-rule-the-world-cos-we’re-the-greatest-even-though-we-couldn’t-show-you-afghanistan-iraq-grenada-libya-or-yugoslavia-on-a-map-but-our-supreme-leader-says-lets-blow-em-up-so-we-will” types. Well, good for you. It’s just a pity that you shout louder than your more sensible countrymen. And when your economy crumbles to dust because the world wants nothing to do with the dollar and when oil is $10 a gallon ‘cos GW Bush has told Iraq to keep it’s oil production down, in line with OPEC. And when you’re scared to complain about any of it because your scared of what people may say about you, go and educate yourselves. Learn that patriotism is about your country not your president. Remember that this land of the free of yours has only been letting black people sit where they want on the bus since the 60’s. All the moms apple pie and place names like “Glorytown”, “Lovelinessville” and “Superdupercottoncandytown” shouldn’t be enough to blind intelligent people from the evils of corrupt power whether your leader wears an army uniform, a businessmans suit or a towel on his head.
After 911 I wanted to nuke the entire Arab world.
It took me less than two weeks to realize that we’d been had.
There is an old book full of tricks that every government has stashed away. This event
is one of the oldest tricks in the book.
Anybody who personally attacks charlie sheen for his stance is a moron. He is a brave individual doing something that no celebrities want to and thats become a real human being. He is only saying what alot of people know but with his personal success hopefully more people will get their heads out of their asses. That holocaust quip was despicable as well just so you know
Hey, why is it that whenever scientific evidence is posted, the conservative, pro-government people stopping talking?
I find that hilarious and VERY telling.
Comments by Bill on March 20th are assanine. Just because someone used drugs at one point does not limit their capacity to reason and Sheen is doing that. Clearly, from his television appearances he is fully functioning and capable of coming to a conclusion that many of us are now coming to- that our government had at least some part or knowledge, if not full orchestration, of this horrible disaster on 9/11.
Another poster was right on here ….we are CATTLE if we just sit back and believe everything told to us. There are some people in this country – overzealous patriots, those with biases againt Arabs who want to nuke everyone, and just plain dumb people – who WILL believe Bush because he is charming or says that the US is going to kick some ass.
This much is NOT debatable: there ARE discrepancies in the 9/11 story and WAY too much circumstantial evidence (i.e. fighter planes being flown away from D.C./ NY that day) to ignore.
Ignore it …and you will end up in a totalitarian state.
Enjoy your “freedom” …. as long as it lasts.
I am Veteran of the United States Armed forces and I was in active duty while 911 and I must agree with Mr. Sheen. Not only because of extreme lack of information from public and private officials. But, after the methodical evaluation of the aftermath of 911 thru the review of hundreds of documents, one on one conversation with my own family in the NY area, 911 victims, and witnesses, lots of video footage, common sense, own military experience in Air, Surface, and Land based scenarios, plus a vast professional and academically experience from a civilian stand point. I can easily conclude that there are a lot of questions that need to be answered by key people and various organizations who have not been interviewed or pushed the major media streams to speak. As a Tax payer, Son, Brother, future Husband, future Father, 60% disabled veteran, and above all an American citizen; I think I have the right to receive the answers as well. Do not be fooled, knowledge is power and God bless.
Eyewitnesses’ and Experts’ Testimonies Consistent With Allegations of Deliberate Demolitions
Compiled and edited with summary and notations by Abel Ashes
Notice: This is a collection of sourced quotations from firefighters, news anchors, reporters, office workers, and other survivors of and eyewitnesses to the controlled demolitions of WTC. This paper is very incomplete at this stage. I have two notebooks full of additional on-the-record statements that add to this body of evidence. I don’t have time to type all of them right now. I will update this document periodically.
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were each struck by large commercial aircraft on September 11th 2001. Both sustained major damage from both the impacts of and the fires resulting from the crashes of the airliners. A series of unexplained events commenced throughout the remainder of the day. These events include the explosions of and complete disintegration of nearly all non-steel materials comprising each of the Twin Towers, the implosion and complete collapse of WTC Building 7, and the near total destruction of WTC Building 6.
The North Tower, also known as 1 World Trade Center, was struck by a large commercial airliner at 8:46 AM EDT. 102 minutes, that’s one hour and forty-two minutes later the North Tower exploded into a cloud of dust and debris. Within 15 seconds the entire 110 story skyscraper had been reduced to a pile of fractured steel beams and a light powdery substance comprised of atomized concrete, glass, gypsum, and fiberglass insulation that flooded Lower Manhattan like a tsunami, leaving Lower Manhattan covered in a “snow-like substance.” The massive antenna on top of the North Tower survived the demolition intact, while everything below it was completely destroyed.
The South Tower, also known as 2 World Trade Center, was struck by a large commercial airliner at 9:03 AM EDT. 56 minutes later, that’s less than an hour, the South Tower exploded into a cloud of dust and debris. Within 15 seconds the entire 110 story skyscraper had been reduced to a pile of fractured steel beams and a light powdery substance comprised of atomized concrete, glass, gypsum, and fiberglass insulation, which flooded Lower Manhattan like a tsunami, leaving Lower Manhattan covered in a “snow-like substance.” The South Tower was hit after the North Tower and less directly than the North Tower, indicating that the South Tower should have sustained less damage from both the impact of the airliner and the fires resulting from the impact. Yet the South Tower exploded into a rapidly descending mushroom cloud much earlier than did the North Tower.
WTC Building 7 sustained major damage to the south side of the structure during, concurrent with, or immediately after the demolition of the South Tower at 9:59 AM EDT on September 11th 2001, according to FDNY firefighters quoted in Firehouse Magazine articles published in April, May, and August of 2002. Much later in the day, at 5:20 PM EDT, WTC Building 7 suddenly imploded from within. Within 7 seconds the 47 story skyscraper was reduced to a large pile of rubble. The outer walls had fallen inward, draping themselves over the pulverized interior of the structure.
WTC Building 6 was almost completely demolished on September 11th 2001 by causes unknown. The roof of and interior of the structure was completely destroyed, while the exterior walls were left standing. The best way to describe the severe damage to WTC Building 6 is to say that the interior of the structure had been turned into a crater.
Many people of all walks of life have alleged that the Twin Towers “fell” due to fire.
Many people of all walks of life have alleged that the Twin Towers “fell” due to structural damage.
Many people of all walks of life have alleged that the Twin Towers “fell” due to a combination of structural damage and fire.
All three groups referenced above fail to acknowledge that the Twin Tower at free fall speed and that most of the solid mass of the Twin Towers, aside from the structural steel, was spontaneously converted into mushrooming clouds of dust particles as small as 100 microns in diameter.
Initially many eyewitnesses and professional journalists stated that the explosions and disintegrations of the Twin Towers resembled controlled demolitions. Since September 11th 2001, an ever- increasing body of threatened, bought-off, cowardly, fraudulent, and treasonous “scientists”, “journalists”, and “public servants” have obediently pusillanimously promoted a plethora of scientifically bogus cover stories designed to mislead the global “civilian” population.
I invite you to watch video footage of, any footage of the explosion and disintegration of the South Tower, the explosion and disintegration of the North Tower, and the implosion and collapse of WTC Building 7.
I suggest the CNN DVD, “America Remembers” and the Naudet brothers’ DVD “9/11”.
I further invite you to read the following fully sourced, on-the-record statements from eyewitnesses and survivors, including personnel from the FDNY, NYPD, CNN, CBS, and more….
“ I went down to the scene and we set up headquarters at 75 Barclay Street, which was right there, with the police commissioner, the fire commissioner, the head of emergency management, and we were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse. And it did collapse before we could actually get out of the building, so we were trapped in the building for ten, maybe fifteen minutes, and finally found an exit and got out, walked north, and took a lot of people with us.” – New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani admitting prior knowledge to the collapse of the South Tower. (ABC News, 9/11/01)
“There has just been a huge explosion. We can see a cascade of sparks and fire and now this. It looks almost like a mushroom cloud explosion. And I can’t, I’ll tell you that I can’t see that second building.”- Aaron Brown, anchor CNN NewsNight describing the demolition of the South Tower as he watches it live during live CNN broadcast on 9/11/01. (CNN Tribute, America Remembers: The Events of September 11 and America’s Response {Commemorative Edition} [DVD])
“There was this wall of smoke that just came up over the top of the buildings, maybe twenty, thirty stories tall, like a tidal wave. I grabbed my camera, the tripod and all I could think of at this point and time is, the building just collapsed, there’s a wall of smoke and debris coming at us. Is there gonna be another explosion? Is there gas? Is there chemicals? And we ran.”- Brian Kiederling, CNN videographer describing the demolition of the South Tower in an interview for the CNN documentary, America Remembers. (Ibid.)
“There was this tumbleweed of debris that came at the building and the building had all glass windows, so as the debris was coming toward me, over the tops of everything, the brightness of the sun was just completely blacked-out. And it became almost like nighttime and then there was just silence and there weren’t any more ambulances. You couldn’t hear the police cars. You couldn’t hear the people in the street anymore. And I walked up to the glass and looked out and it almost looked like a blizzard had hit New York. There was this snow everywhere. And there was just no noise coming from down toward the World Trade Center.” – Rose Arce, CNN producer describing her experience as the South Tower was demolished, in an interview for the CNN documentary, America Remembers. (Ibid)
“We were the first ones in the second tower after the plane struck. I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the second trip up a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building.” – Louie Cacchioli, 20 year veteran of the New York Fire Department, Engine 47, describing explosions in the South Tower before it’s collapse. (Unsigned. “Our Heroes/United in Courage” [People Magazine] 9/12/01)Archived online at People Weekly 9/24/01 and at:
“The building came down so orderly, floor by floor, that I presumed it was a controlled demolition. I hoped that it was. Maybe they got all the people out and now they’re bringing the building down to prevent mass casualties.”- WNYC radio reporter and NPR contributor, Beth Fertig (Bull, Chris, and Sam Erman, At Ground Zero: 25 Stories From Young Reporters Who Were There. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2002: 184
“As more and more and more and more and more emergency vehicles descended on the World Trade Center, I hear a second explosion in WTC 2, then a loud, low- frequency that precipitates the unthinkable – a collapse of all the floors above the point of explosion. First the top surface, containing the helipad, tips sideways in full view. Then the upper floors fall straight down in a demolition-style implosion, taking all lower floors with it, even those below the point of the explosion.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson, Director of the Hayden Planetarium of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and Vice President of The Planetary Society, commenting on the demolition of the South Tower as he witnessed it from his apartment six blocks away. From: An Eyewitness Account of the World Trade Center Attacks from Neil deGrasse Tyson, The Planetary Society, September 12th 2001; online at
“There was an explosion – I didn’t think it was an explosion – but the base of the building shook. I felt it shake …then when we were outside, the second explosion happened and then there was a series of explosions…We can only wonder at the kind of damage – the kind of human damage – that was caused by those explosions – those series of explosions.” – Steve Evans, BBC employee commenting on the demolition of the South Tower. From: Eyewitnesses Tell of Horror, BBC, September 11th 2001; online at
“I heard this metallic roar, looked up and saw what I thought was just a peculiar site of individual floors, one after the other exploding outward. I thought to myself, “My God, they’re going to bring the building down.” And they, whoever they are, had set charges. In fact the building was imploding down.
I saw the explosions, and I thought, ‘This is not a good place to be, because we’re too close to the building, and it’s too easy for the building to topple over.’” – John Bussey, foreign editor for the Wall Street Journal describing the demolition of the South Tower. (The Newseum with Cathy Trost and Alicia C. Shepard. Running Toward Danger: Stories Behind The Breaking News of 9/11. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002: 87
“I was frantically punching my cell phone number and one of the things I hit was my Chicago producer’s number. I told them I was on my way to the World Trade Center. As I said that, the first collapse of the tower happened. I was on the line and said, ‘Oh my God, there’s been an explosion.’”- Carol Marin, contributing reporter to CBS News. (Ibid.: 91)
“The building was in front of me, but I turned my back. Then I hear the explosion. I saw the top of the building coming down.”- Bolivar Arellano, photojournalist for the New York Post. (Ibid.: 92.)
“[WABC-TV reporter N.J. Burkett] said he wanted to do a stand-up. He motioned, “ Me, the firefighters and tilt up to the building.” I asked for another one [a second take, as I always do, because you never know, there could be crease in the tape or whatever. As I tilted up, the density of the sound in the area changed. It became thick. As I tilted up, I could feel it, but I could really tell you that I knew what I was seeing. I was seeing the building blow up.
I kept tilting and heard him [Burkett] say that the building was exploding.” – Marty Glembotzy, cameraman for WABC-TV, describing the demolition of the South Tower. (Ibid.: 93)
Battalion Seven Chief: “Battalion Seven…
Ladder 15, we’ve got two isolated pockets of fire. We should be able to knock it down with two lines. Radio that, 78th floor numerous 10-45 Code Ones.”
Ladder 15: “What stair are you in Orio?”
Ladder 15: “ Chief, What stair you in?”
Battalion Seven Chief: “South stairway Adam, South Tower.”
Ladder 15: “Floor 78?”
Battalion Seven Chief: “Ten-four, numerous civilians, we gonna need two engines up here.”
Ladder 15: “Alright ten-four, we’re on our way.”
Battalion Seven Chief: “I’m gonna need two of your firefighters Adam, stairway to knock down two fires. We have house line stretched. We could use some water on it, knock it down, kay?”
–Excerpts from transcript of radio dialog between New York Fire Department Battalion Chief Orio J. Palmer and NYFD Ladder 15. This conversation took place about eleven minutes before the demolition of the South Tower. Orio J. Palmer and Fire Marshall Ronald P. Bucca had just reached the 78th floor of the South Tower as this tape was being recorded. The impact zone from the airplane crash stretched from the 78th floor to the 84th floor. Mr. Palmer was clearly stating that the fire was containable. From: Report: Tape Sheds Light on WTC Rescuers, 08/04/02 online at Audio of above transcript available online at
“Then the South Tower collapsed. I remember standing in front of the window and feeling the ground start to vibrate. It was as though someone had just put a huge sock over our entire building. I mean, it went from that bright crisp morning to just total blackness, and then it felt like an earthquake.
…There were maybe fifty to one hundred people in the lobby and everyone started running outside. The air was cool and debris was everywhere. It looked like the surface of Mars, all this white sediment and piles of computer paper and pieces of desks and more paper just falling through the air.
…There was a stench outside. I could feel something very itchy all over me. I pulled my coat over my nose. The air wasn’t black anymore, but it was like a very heavy white fog.” – Michelle Wiley, a New York City musician commenting on her experience of the demolition of the South Tower from her apartment in Gateway Plaza, one block from the WTC. (Never Forget, An Oral History Of September 11th, 2001, Mitchell Fink and Lois Mathias, Regan Books/Harper Collins, 2002: pages 10-11)
“All of a sudden I hear this sound, a noise like I’ve never heard in my life, the most frightening sound I’ve ever heard, like a thousand helicopters on top of us. And a rumbling like the earth was about to split apart. That was the first tower falling. We live on the eleventh floor, in a loft. Our windows shattered. Smoke started to come in, debris started in come in, and we were completely in darkness.
…We made it out of the apartment on our stomachs and people were screaming. People had glass in their hair, completely gray, full of soot and bleeding.
…We couldn’t get out of the building because once you got outside the door you couldn’t see a foot in front of you.
…The debris was like snow. We saw twisted metal, blood, clothing. I saw a baby carriage. It was like a war and we were refuges.
…You couldn’t run in this debris. It was like trying to run in the sand.
…My girlfriend had gotten debris in her eyes and in her throat, so she couldn’t really see for a while because the flakes were so big.” – Spencer Korbin, a New York City writer, commenting on his experience of the demolition of the South Tower from his apartment on Greenwich Street, two blocks from the WTC (Ibid.: pages 12-13)
“When the second plane went into the building, it just looked like an evil magician’s trick. It looked nothing like what I would have imagined a plane crashing into a building would look like. The plane just completely disappeared and turned into a giant fireball.
…Coming back across Brooklyn again you could see that the South Tower was already down. The entire lower Manhattan was covered in a giant white dust cloud. And as you came around to the North Tower again, you could still see the people falling and jumping, except it didn’t look so violent anymore because you weren’t watching them hit the ground. It was almost peaceful because they were falling into a white cloud.”
– Steven Bienkowski, police officer and scuba diver with the Harbor Unit Scuba Team of the New York City Police Department, describing his experience of the destruction of the South Tower as he witnessed it from an NYPD Air Sea Rescue helicopter (Ibid.: page16)
“We heard this rumbling sound, which was the South Tower collapsing, but we didn’t know that at the time. I thought the elevators were coming down, or part of the building or the plane or something was crashing through the lobby, because it started to fill quickly with debris.
We ran around a little corner toward 6 World Trade. We pushed everybody around the corner. We actually huddled down at the base of the escalator, the escalator that leads up to 6 World Trade and then to the North Bridge over West Street. But now this whole area, which was brightly lit, became totally black. We stayed there until the rumbling stopped, and we knew we were alive.
But I thought that it was a localized collapse. I never even suspected that the second tower collapsed.
…We went across the West Bridge with Jules and an EMS lieutenant. I went back and forth a few times and still didn’t know that the South Tower had collapsed. You couldn’t see it. What you saw was smoke. Many times when you get a big fire, smoke covers the building and you don’t see the building. But you know the building is still there. So when we looked, we were at a bad angle. It was just dust that covered where the building would be.” – Joseph Pfeifer, New York Fire Department Chief, Battalion 1, describing the demolition of the South Tower as he experienced it from the lobby of the North Tower (Ibid.: page 20)
“…It sounded like another plane was coming in. The firefighter and I just looked at each other and we dropped what we had and started to make our way back toward the firehouse, running down Liberty Street. The sound was deafening. I really thought it was another plane coming. I thought it was a 747 looking to make a landing on Liberty Street.
…So we ran into the firehouse.
…The impact of the South Tower collapsing literally picked me up and threw me through the air. I landed face first on the ground and a wave of debris came blowing by me. Things were hitting me, smoke, dirt, dust, and who-the-hell knows what else. It was instant blackness, the thickest, most choking smoke you could imagine. And I thought, ‘I’m in a firehouse…’
…There were people that were just picked up and blown around by the thing when it came down.
…Eventually, we got most of the firehouse completely evacuated through the back of the building because the front of it was completely covered in debris.
When the South Tower came down, I had gotten all kinds of injuries. Later on, when I went to the hospital, I found that I had a concussion, whiplash, smoke inhalation, cuts and bruises, and all kinds of stuff. And that was all just from the impact of the South Tower collapsing.” – Brain Smith, New York Fire Department, Battalion 31, describing his experience of the demolition of the South Tower. (Ibid.: pages 28 & 29)
“As we were nearing the park, we heard this noise, some people call it a rumble. I heard snapping, a tremendous snapping. I looked back and all I could see was the tsunami wave of dust and debris that was just rolling, and it was going to get us in a second.
…The wave was just about to get my back. It was ashy, but it was thick. You felt like your face was getting cut.
…Then I remember seeing a ray of sunshine coming through this dark haze, and I’m thinking, I’m not going to die. I’m going to be okay.
…My girls in wheelchairs, Becky Zheng and Stephanie Sealy, their stories send chills down your spine. At one point, the paraprofessionals, the classroom assistants responsible for the two girls, literally took them off the wheelchairs because there was so much debris and so much garbage on the road that the wheels wouldn’t turn. They simply put them on their backs and started running with them.” – Ada Rosario-Dolch, Principal of the High School for Leadership and Public Service, describing her experience of the destruction of the South Tower. (Ibid.: pages 39 & 40)
‘Breaking News: Third Explosion Shatters World Trade Center in New York.’ – video banner broadcast on TV screens across America and around the world during instant replay of the demolition of the South Tower on CNN on 9/11/01. This can be seen in the DVD “In Plane Site” available from
Captain Dennis Tardio, Engine 7 FDNY: “We got down to the lobby and we saw they abandoned the command post. We knew we were in trouble.”
Pat Zoda, Engine 7 FDNY: “We came down. It was, it was, it was much worse than it was when we went up. Right? We went up. They had everything set up. We came down. It was desolate.”
Captain Dennis Tardio, Engine 7 FDNY: “We came down to the lobby. It was like a fucking war zone. There was nobody there. Where the fuck? What do we do? We made it outside. We made it about a block?”
Pat Zoda, Engine 7 FDNY: “We made it at least two blocks.”
Captain Dennis Tardio, Engine 7 FDNY: “Two blocks.”
Pat Zoda, Engine 7 FDNY: “…and we started runnin’.”
Captain Dennis Tardio, Engine 7 FDNY: “Pock, pock, pock, pock, pock, pock, pock, pock!”
Pat Zoda, Engine 7 FDNY: “Floor by floor, it started poppin’ out.”
Captain Dennis Tardio, Engine 7 FDNY: “It was like, it was if, it was as if they had detonated.”
Pat Zoda, Engine 7 FDNY: “Yeah, detonated.”
Captain Dennis Tardio, Engine 7 FDNY: “You know, as if there were a plan to take down a building, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!”
Pat Zoda, Engine 7 FDNY: “All the way down. I was watchin’ it and runnin’.”
Captain Dennis Tardio, Engine 7 FDNY: “We ran.”
Pat Zoda, Engine 7 FDNY: “And then you just saw this cloud of shit chasin’, chasin’ you down.”
Unknown FDNY fireman, in uniform, but slightly off camera: “Where’d you go?”
Pat Zoda, Engine 7 FDNY: “You couldn’t out run it. I jumped behind a battalion car. I hid under the car. I was waitin’ to die.”
– Transcript of a segment of the Naudet brothers’ documentary film “9/11”. This segment was filmed inside the FDNY downtown Manhattan firehouse, housing FDNY Engine 7 and Ladder 1 on September 11th 2001. There are numerous other firefighters in the firehouse, including Nick Borrillo of FDNY Ladder 1, listening as Tardio and Zoda recount what they saw, heard, and felt as the North Tower of the World Trade Center was demolished. ( 9/11, The Filmmakers’ Commemorative DVD Edition, a film by Jules and Gideon Naudet and James Hanlon, 2001 Goldfish Pictures, Inc.)
“I hear simultaneously this roar and see what appears to be a gigantic fireball rising up at ground level…I remember thinking that the fire and explosion didn’t get us but the smoke will if we don’t get out of here soon.
…I remember seeing this giant ball of fire come out of the earth as I heard this roar and thinking, ‘Who’s going to explain to my kids that I needed to be at the World Trade Center on this day?’” – Carol Marin, CBS News contributor, describing the demolition of the North Tower. (Op Cit., Newseum: pages 119 & 239)
“The reporters were trying to figure out what had happened. We were thinking bombs had brought the buildings down. The mayor talked to us and said he had no evidence of bombs.” – Beth Fertig, WNYC radio reporter, commenting on events at New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s command center after the demolitions of both of the Twin Towers. (Ibid.: 203.)
“We never thought the other building was going to fall. And then all of a sudden we heard this rumbling and then some guy screams, “Run!” We turn around and it was like being in a monster movie. We’re just shooting through this alley of buildings, and it was right on our tail. We ran as fast as we could. Fortunately, we were younger than a lot of people out there, and I guess in better shape. Some of the people we were walking with were just left there. We saw them being knocked over by debris. On television it looked like just a cloud of smoke. But it was monitors and desks and chairs, flying through the air, pieces of metal
…Then we were taken to Staten Island Hospital, my girlfriend and myself. These guys in white shoes and bioterrorism suits came out to meet us. They waved and said, “Where are you guys coming from?”
We said, “Manhattan. We were in the Trade Center incident.”
They waved us to another area and made us take off all our clothing. They showered us down in public, no clothes. They didn’t want our clothes in the hospital. We were naked, both of us. There were a couple of other naked people. They tried to cordon us off. They were so terrified that it was chemical warfare. They burnt our clothes. Our clothes were gone. Our shoes, her boots, whatever we were wearing. Our ID and credit cards were decontaminated for us. I never saw anybody talk about this on the news.
Then they brought us in as though we were lepers.
…When the second building fell, stuff just flew out of our apartment.
…When we tried to get back into the building, our building was a crime scene. They found body parts on terraces. They found a torso in a plane seat on our roof. Our building was one of the last buildings to be reopened. They had to reface it, decontaminate it, and of course put in all new windows. There was a luncheonette that we’d eat at in the morning, a block north from my apartment. It was completely destroyed, completely blown out, and I’m sure the place was full of people.”
-Spencer Korbin, a New York City writer, commenting on his experience of the demolition of the North Tower from outside his apartment on Greenwich Street, two blocks from the WTC and his experiences thereafter. (Never Forget, An Oral History Of September 11th, 2001, Mitchell Fink and Lois Mathias, Regan Books/Harper Collins, 2002: pages 13 and 14)
“As we were coming around to the North Tower, I said, ‘Oh, my God, it looks like it’s tilting.’ It came down a couple of minutes afterward, completely straight down, like a deck of cards.
The entire thickness of the cloud of dust was like nothing you’ve ever seen…” – Steven Bienkowski, police officer and scuba diver with the Harbor Unit Scuba Team of the New York City Police Department, describing his experience of the destruction of the North Tower as he witnessed it from an NYPD Air Sea Rescue helicopter (Ibid.: page16)
“ We were only out there a few minutes when we heard a loud rumbling sound, almost like a train if you’re standing underneath an overpass. And somebody yelled, “The building’s coming down. Run.”
…And then I heard all the crashing and the steel and now the street goes completely black. As a firefighter you kind of expect blackness inside of a burning building. But outside in broad daylight, you don’t.” – Joseph Pfeifer, New York Fire Department Chief, Battalion 1, describing the demolition of the North Tower as he experienced it from outdoors at the WTC complex. (Ibid.: page 21)
“And just when we were getting ready to do our last run through the building, my partner, another firefighter, and I started to hear that sound again. It sounded like another plane coming in. At this point it seemed like all these planes forgot where La Guardia Airport was. Everybody was looking to make a landing. I had no idea what had really happened. I just thought they were planes. I didn’t know until after I left Manhattan that the towers even came down. I just thought that 747s were landing all over the place. I honestly thought that a plane landed on Liberty Street in front of the firehouse, and that by some miracle I survived it.
We got up and after a few more scares we were able to pick our way through the back of the firehouse. That’s where Fu was.
…We carried him about two blocks south to Rector Street. Everything was on fire, smoke everywhere, and it was just complete bedlam. It looked like a war zone.” – Brain Smith, New York Fire Department, Battalion 31, describing his experience of the demolition of the North Tower. (Ibid. page 29)
“The North Tower was still burning out of control. Even at that point, it wasn’t on my mind that the other tower would come down. I never even thought about it. I was just focused on these guys. We got to the north pedestrian bridge and I remember hearing a noise like thunder. I hear it in my nightmares all the time. I never forget. I just looked up and you could see the antenna on top of the North Tower moving, and you knew it was coming down. There was no time to scream. If you hesitated, you were dead. There were about ten people in the area where we were. Only three of us made it out alive. I started running. I dropped everything I had. The gush of air that came down with the building picked me up and literally threw me through the air, almost like Peter Pan.
I landed not too far from the truck that I had responded in. Something told me to crawl underneath that truck. That’s where I ended up. I couldn’t hear anything. I remember screaming for Danny, and every time I’d breath in it was as if my head was stuck in sand.
…and I just started digging. I don’t know how long I was under the truck before I figured this out, but I started crawling my way out of there, digging through the rocks and debris. Just as I got out, a fireman who had been lodged in the debris had gotten himself out.
…People started calling out, ‘Is anybody out there?’ We went toward their voices. It was a deli owner and his wife. They pulled us in their deli. About six or seven cops and some firemen were already in there, all variously injured and having a hard time breathing. They had taken a hose out of the kitchen to clean everybody off. I had first-degree burns on every part of my skin that was exposed. Stuff started exploding outside the store. One of the cops thought that it might be secondary explosions. When terrorists do this sort of thing, they’ll put secondary bombs around to kill rescue workers. That’s an earmark of terrorism. And at that point you didn’t know what to believe. Everybody had lost all concept of what was going on, and everything was up for grabs. For all we knew, they had attacked all of Manhattan.
…I keep going to the doctors and they keep doing blood work. I still have very severe muscle cramps. Everybody still has shortness of breath, and ear, and mouth infections. I’ve actually lost a couple of teeth and they can’t figure out why.
…Hopefully it will get better. But the doctors don’t really have answers about what was inhaled that day. God knows what was in all that stuff, the levels of trace metals and asbestos and mercury, the gas from the air-conditioning units and mercury from the light bulbs. Nobody really knows.
I told health services, ‘You know, I lost two teeth. They just fell out.’
They said, ‘Well, you should see your dentist.’
I said, ‘No, you don’t understand. My teeth just fell out of my head. There’s got to be a reason.’” – Gary Smiley, FDNY Battalion 31 Paramedic, describing his experience of the destruction of the North Tower. (Ibid. pages 34 & 35)
“We have another report now, of a fourth explosion at the Trade Center…
…It almost looks like one of those implosions of buildings that you see.”-Aaron Brown, CNN anchor NewsNight, in two clips broadcast live on 9/11/01. The first is either before or during the demolition of the North Tower. The second is during a replay of footage of the demolition of the North Tower. Both can be seen in the DVD ‘In Plane Site”, which is available from
“You have two 110 story office buildings. You don’t find a desk. You don’t find a chair. You don’t find a telephone, a computer. The biggest piece of a telephone I found was half of the keypad and it was about this big (hold his fingers approximately 21/2 to 3 inches apart). The building collapsed to dust! How are we supposed to find anybody in this, that there’s nothing left of the building.” – Joe Casaliggi, Engine 7 FDNY, in an interview conducted for and included in the Naudet brothers’ documentary, “9/11”. ( 9/11, The Filmmakers’ Commemorative DVD Edition, a film by Jules and Gideon Naudet and James Hanlon, 2001 Goldfish Pictures, Inc.)
“There was smoke everywhere. I heard the bomb and saw both buildings crumble like biscuits.”- Nadine Keller, WTC demolition eyewitness. From: Eyewitnesses Tell of Horror, BBC, September 11 2001; online at
“The collapse of the buildings appears ‘too methodical’ to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures, said Van Romero, vice president for research at New Mexico Institute for Mining and Technology.
‘My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse,’ Romero said.” – Olivier Uyttebrouck, Explosives Planted In Towers, NM Tech Expert Says, Albuquerque Journal, 9/11/01; available online at
“Conspiracy theorists have seized on Mr. Romero’s comments as evidence for their argument that someone else, possibly the U.S. government, was behind the attack on the Trade Center.
Romero said he has been bombarded with electronic mail from the conspiracy theorists.
‘I’m very upset about that,’ he said.’I’m not trying to say anything did or didn’t happen.’” – John Fleck, in a follow up to the previous article on Van Romero titled, Fire, Not Extra Explosives, Doomed Buildings, Expert Says, Albuquerque Journal, 9/21/01; available online at
“A lead engineer who designed the World Trade Center expressed shock that the towers collapsed after being hit by passenger jets.
‘I designed it for a 707 to hit it,’ Lee Robertson, the project’s structural engineer said. The Boeing 707 has a fuel capacity of more than 23,000 gallons, comparable to the 767’s 23,980-gallon fuel capacity.
Another architect of the WTC, Aaron Swirski, lives in Israel and spoke to Jerusalem Post Radio after the attack: ’It was designed around that eventuality to survive this kind of attack.’ he said.
Hyman Brown, a University of Colorado civil engineering professor and the World Trade Center’s construction manager, watched in confusion as the towers came down. ‘It was over-designed to withstand almost anything, including hurricanes, high winds, bombings, and an airplane hitting it.’ He said.” – Christopher Bollyn, Eyewitness Reports Persist Of Bombs At WTC Collapse, American Free Press, 12/02/01; archived online at
“So we kept walking, sort of around the disaster area, trudging through this snow like substance. There was pieces of their desks and pieces of the photos on their desks and their Rolexes and documents. There was a resume from a kid that had gone to my college, who was applying for a job to work in the World Trade Center. It was very much like a weird movie, like, you know, ‘The Day After’, like a nuclear accident or a nuclear winter. It didn’t make any sense.” – Rose Arce, CNN producer describing the devastation following the demolitions of the Twin Towers, in an interview conducted for the CNN documentary, America Remembers. (CNN Tribute: America Remembers: The Events of September 11 and America’s Response {Commemorative Edition} [DVD])
– u“ In the area of where the blast occurred from the commercial jetliners, it’s like a nuclear winter, ash, soot piled on top of cars three inches deep.” – Unknown male announcer or journalist, describing Ground Zero on 9/12/01 (Ibid.)
CBS News anchor Dan Rather: “A large building, in most other cities it would be one of the largest buildings in town probably, Trade Center building 7 has collapsed. Now here were gonna show you a videotape of the collapse it’s self. Now here we go to videotape, the collapse of this building.”
Unknown male voice at CBS: “It’s amazing.”
CBS News anchor Dan Rather: “Amazing, incredible pick your word. For the third time today, it’s reminiscent of those pictures we’ve all seen too much on television before, where a building was deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite to knock it down.”
-Transcript of live CBS News broadcast on 9/11/01 in which Dan Rather comments on what he sees as he watches videotape of the demolition of WTC building 7. This video clip can be seen in Alex Jones documentary video ‘Police State III: Total Enslavement’, available from
“I remember getting a call from, uh, the Fire Department Commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire. I said, ‘you know we’ve had such a terrible loss of life. Maybe the smartest thing to do is, is pull it.’ And they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse.” – Transcript of PBS interview with WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein, delivering an explanation of unknown authenticity, as to how and why the decision was made to demolish WTC Building 7. (Originally broadcast on PBS, September 2003)
More 9/11 WTC Eyewitness Accounts Consistent With Controlled Demolition:
Explosive Testimony:
Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories
By David Ray Griffin
Eyewitnesses Recalled Explosions, No Alarms or Sprinklers:
United in Courage:
9/11 Rescuer Saw Explosions Inside WTC 6 Lobby:
A Resident’s View
By Ron J. Berard
9/11:Allen Ruch:
Eyewitness Reports of Explosions Before WTC Collapses:
Eyewitness Reports Persist
Bombs At WTC Collapse
By Christopher Bollyn
Exclusive to American Free Press
William Frankenstein
Student in his junior year at Stuyvesant High School
WTC Workers and 9/11 Eyewitnesses Coming Forward about Bombs:
NYFD fire fighter Louie Cacchioli in People Magazine:
NBC: FDNY Chief of Safety Reported Bombs Both Within the Towers and on the Planes on 9/11
When The Explosives Were Placed: WTC South Tower Upper Floors Closed on 9/8 & 9/9
9/11 Firefighter Observes: “The Building Collapsed to Dust”
CBS News Channel Eyewitness Describes ‘Secondary Explosions’ in the WTC
New York Firefighters Discuss Bombs in WTC Towers
Update: World Trade Center 7 Imploded by Silverstein, FDNY and Others
Geronimo Jones WTC Eyewitness:
Hmm Name calling from the offical story conspiracists, Testimony, and fact from the official story questioniers. Sounds more like a slam dunk than CIA manufactured evidence.
funny how Punditguy hasnt posted a rebuttal.
Hey, where’d all the pro-gov’t folks run to? And BTW, how come we haven’t heard from Bill anymore. I’d like to know what he thinks after all this. Still think it’s disgusting?