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Dean has done it again…

“They all behave the same. They all look the same. It’s pretty much a white Christian party”…

Listen for yourself, here.

The question is, how long before the rest of the party throws him under the bus? Or, will they all commit political suicide and agree with Howard?

Either way, this is gonna be great.

MORE: And, like clockwork, here comes the backtrack:

Dean, speaking in a roundtable discussion Monday, downplayed the controversy over his rhetoric.

“This is one of those flaps that comes up once in awhile when I get tough,” Dean said. “We have to be rough on the Republicans. Republicans don’t represent ordinary Americans and they don’t have any understanding of what it is to go out and try and make ends meet.”

Dean said that he had been addressing the matter of Americans standing in long lines to vote.

“What I said was the Republican leadership didn’t seem to care much about working people,” he said. “That’s essentially the gist of the quote.”

Cow’s outta the barn Howie.